(no subject)

Feb 28, 2011 18:50

Yesterday was one of the best days I've had in a while. I am learning more and more every day about who I am, being independent and understanding what my true passion, or element in life is. I woke up at 12 O' clock in a bad mood because I still felt shitty from the night before. I had ended up as the third wheel as A friend and this girl from work made out and did who knows what in a locked room together as I sit outside drunk, waiting like a fool. That reminds me, I stand up for myself now; Its a really empowering feeling when I can have the confidence and respect for myself to do so. So as I started to wake up I decided I wouldn't let this bad mood get to me and that I would get stuff done that day. I smoked then headed off to make a deposit at the bank that I had been putting off for weeks. Once I was done there I decided the day was too beautiful to head home and go into my dark room. I continued down Congress Ave. till I reached the capital building. There was a large gathering of people on the lawn so I decided to stop to get out and see what was going on. With all the protests in Wisconsin going on over public workers right to collectively bargan, I thought maybe some Wisconsin supporters had shown up to protest that here in Texas. It turned out to be a Yoga flash mob. I observed for the longest time then slowly joined in. I didn't get really into it with my eyes closed or anything but, the experience of being around so many people reaching for a shared goal of one-ness, relaxation, and meditation could best be described by the sparingly used and original meaning of the word awesome. At one point I counted a third of the crowed and speculated that there were about 300 people gathered here. This number really caught my attention, because in the first few days of the uprise in Libya resulted in 300 deaths by Gaddafi's ruthless suborn regime. As I looked at the faces of these peaceful people I began to understand the full gravity of what it means when 300 people are practically slaughtered for peacefully gathering to protest Gaddafi's 41 year rule. This goes back to how lucky I feel. I didn't have to even lift a finger to have the freedom to practice yoga on my capitals lawn, just because I want to. I was born into this freedom and although America has a long way to go before its citizens are truly free, I sure am grateful I didn't have to be living my life in Libya durring Gaddafi's rule.

The rest of my day was followed by trailer food on SoCo, hanging out with a friend and her friends dog at the park, and riding my bike. Its weird how the universe works, but I am so glad that bike showed up on our doorstep with no explination.
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