Mar 23, 2005 18:10
[What time are you starting this?:]:6:11pm
[Name?]:Megan you don't need to know my middle name casterline
[Date of birth?:]:May 17,1989
[Height?:]: 5'0"
[Eye color?:]: brown, sometimes they look black
[Have you ever failed a grade?:]: nope
[Do you have crush on someone?:]: yes
[Do you have a bf/gf?:]: nope, just got out of a relationship.
[What are you wearing right now?:]: black shirt, blue jeans, pink and black vans, triple stud braclet and a nautical star braclet
[Would you have sex before marriage?:]:that's for me to know, and you not to find out
[Have you ever had a crush on any of your teachers?:]: are you fucking crazy!?! of course not
[Are you a virgin?:]: Yes, what's it to you
[Do you smoke?:]: nope
[Do you drink?:]: everyonce in a while, but not really enough to get drunk
[What are your favorite colors?:]:Black, and sometimes blue
[What is your favorite animal?:]: dragons, and horses
[Do you have any birthmarks?:]: 1
[Who are your best friends of the female sex?:]: ashley dipoala <3, jessica kelly,jessica morris,andjulie
[Who are your best friends of the male sex?:]: darren
[Who do you talk to most on the phone?:]: jessica kelly, jessica morris, and julie
[Have you ever been slapped?:]:yes and i fucked that bastard up right after(guy named ashton,he tried to kill me once too).
[Do you get online a lot?:]: yeah
[Are you shy or outgoing?:]: depends on the day, mainly shy
[Do you shower?:]: it's a sin not to, so of course i shower
[Do you hate school?:]: yes, i'm waisting my life away there.
[Do you have a social life?:]: DUH
[How easily do you trust people?:]: nope only a select few
[Have you ever lied to your best friends?:]: yes, who doesn't
[Do you have a secret people would be surprised knowing?]: yeah, and none of you need to know, cuz it's really bad. and something a good friend told me.
[Would you ever sky dive?:]: i don't know
[Do you like to dance?:]: nope
[Have you ever been out of state?:]: yes, i'm origonally from oregon 8 1/2 years bitches and hoes! i've also been to: georgia, idaho, montana,canada,alaska,nevada,mexico,wisconsin,arizona,louisiana,and many other places.
[Do you like to travel?:]: i'd die if i didn't
[Have you ever been expelled from school?:]: no
[Have you ever been suspended from school?:]:yes
[Do you want to get out of your hometown?:]: but i am, i left mollala, sadly, i wanna get out FL!!! it sucks major balls!
[Have you ever gotten high?:]: nope
[What's your favorite drink?:]: red bull, rockstar, stuff from starbucks.
[Do you like Snapple?:]: yes
[Do you drink a lot of water?:]: nope, i should drink more though
[What toothpaste do you use?:]: arm and hammer enamel care
[Do you have a cell phone or pager?:]: cell phone
[Do you have a curfew?:]: yes, but who's to say that i follow it
[What name brand do you wear the most?:]: hot topic, vans, and converse.
[What kind of jewelry do you wear?:]: studs,and spikes, earrings, and a dragon necklace
[What do you have pierced?:]: 2 on each ear
[What do you want pierced?:]: left eyebrow, tongue, lip once or twice,3-4 more holes on each ear, 2 cartilage on my right ear, one cartilage and one industrial on my left, navel,and that thing below your lip but above your chin. who's to say i'm gonna get all those, but it's what i want
[Do you like taking pictures?:]: yes it's fun
[Do you like getting your picture taken?]: depends on the day.
[Do you have a tan?:]: nope, my white legs blind people.
[Do you get annoyed easily?:]: depends on the day
[Do you have your own pool?:]: yeah but i never use it, it's always dirty
[Do you have any siblings?:]: 13 year old annoying as fuck little brother
[Do you get along with your parents?:]: it's a rare thing if i do
[How do you vent your anger?:]: punching things, i used to punch big ass holes in the wall, and another way that no one needs to know.
[Have you ever run away?:]: yes, and i'm about to again.
[Have you ever been fired from a job?:]: Nope
[Do you even have a job?:]: sorta
[Do you daydream a lot?:]: no
[What do you want a tattoo of?:]: black rose on my shoulder
[What does your most recent crush look like?:]: dirty blondish hair, brown eyes, fucking hott senior dude!
[Are you rude?:]: when i'm pissed
[What is your heritage?:]: indian, german, american, italian, sweedish, canadian, european, irish, basically everything except anything spanish and black. no offense to all you hispanics and blacks out there <3
[What is your lucky number?:]:i don't have one, that's a stupid question.
[What does your hair look like right now?:]: brown and red, it's spiked up right now
[Could you ever be a vegetarian?:]: never
[Would you ever date someone younger than you?:]:umm a year maybe
[Would you ever date someone older than you?:]: Yes,my last bf was a year older than me and the guy that i like is a senior, sooo yeah!.
[When was the last time you were drunk?:]: yes, on a cruise, it was fun.
[How many rings until you answer the phone?:]:i answer my phone whenever the fuck i feel i should, it's stupid to count the rings
[Do you look more like your mother or father?:]: nope i look like my aunt debbie, but she's a 102392029048x's prettier version of me
[Do you cry a lot?:]: yes, lately, only when bad EXTREME bad shit happens to me, like yesterday, but if it's something stupid i just go fuck u!(whihch is most of the time)
[Do you ever cry to get your way?:]: No, that's fucking retarded.
[What phrase do you use most when on the phone?:]: i dunno, and i really don't care
[Have you ever been chased by cops?:]:yes
[When was the last time you threw up?:]: umm a year or two ago
[What do the shoes you last wore look like?:]: converse hi-tops, black
[Is your best friend a virgin?:]: yeah,what's it to you?
[What theme does your room have?:]: just a bunch of posters and dragons, i'm gonna turn it into a medevil theme, what can i say, i'm drawn to the darkness. ;)
[What size shoe do you wear?:]: 7-71/2 in womens, 5 in men
[What is your screen name on AIM?:]: Punkrockchik94
[How are you feeling right now?:]: pissed off, sad, betrayed, like i'll fuck anyone up that bothers me today, and a little excited, a tiny bit happy(cuz of publix dude).
[What do you sleep in?:]: whatever i want that night
[Has there ever been a rumor spread about you?:]: oh too many to count.
[What is one of your bad qualities?:]: i'm a bitch
[What is one of your good qualities?:]: people say i'm: pretty,i'm an extreamly talented singer, cool, funny, hott,a great friend, and that's it's fucking awesome that i don't give a shit about what anyone says about me and that i only care about what i think about myself, i'm a sweet girl, and i'm good at making out, and i'm caring.
[Would you marry for money?:]: no, that's fucking retarded and fucked up
[What do you drive?:]: i don't, but i want a red jeep/
[What's your favorite online journal to read?:]: i don't know and idon't care
[When was the last time you cried in school?:]:i don't
[ x ] Spell your first name backwards:: Nagem
[ x ] The story behind your user name?:: i used to be a punk chick, so i used that for an sn, case closed
[ x ] Are you a lesbian:: nope, but they're cool.
[ x ] Where do you live:: Pembroke Pines, my personal hell on earth.
[ x ] Wallet:: i used to have one from hot topic that said loser on the front, but i've seemed to mis place it
[ x ] Hairbrush:: i dunno, it's a red and black brush, that's all there is to it
[ x ] Toothbrush:: well it's a toothbrush, i use it 2-3 times a day,that's all there is to it, and i don't think anyone cares what i use, why bore them.
[ x ] Jewelry worn daily:: black ring, studs and spikes, and a different earring in each hole.
[ x ] Pillow covers:: i don't remember, i don't even look at them
[ x ] Blanket:: god it's a fucking blanket, get over it.
[ x ] Sunglasses:: don't wear them.
[ x ] Underwear:: wouldn't you like to know... PERVERT! ;)
[ x ] CD in stereo right now:: Story Of The Year, jess brought it by she brought it over, yet again.
[ x ] In my mouth:: my tongue! duhur!
[ x ] In my head:: guys are fucking assholes, but i like them anyways, except for publix dude, he's not an asshole, but then again i don't know him.
[ x ] Wishing:: I wishing i was making out with publix dude, at school. :) cuz he goes to our school:)
[ x ] After this:: RICKEYS with jess!
[ x ] Talking to:: jessica, she's only over at my house
[ x ] Eating:: nothing, going to rickeys with jess later :) yay!
[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now:: publix dude
[ x ] Is next to you:: jessica, must i explain again that she is sleeping over, dumbfucks! :)
[ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month: i dunno, i really don't care.
[ x ] The last thing you ate:: well i drank starbucks
[ x ] Something that you are deathly afraid of:: i don't know, nothing really.
[ x ] Do you like candles:: yeah, i love candle lit rooms :)
[ x ] Do you like hot wax:: fuck yeah! it's fucking awesome when my eyebrows are being waxed, i love the hot wax on them, and then they rip the strip off, the pain is fucking good :)
[ x ] Do you like incense:: i guess so
[ x ] Do you like the taste of blood:: FUCK YEAH!
[ x ] Do you believe in love:: nope, only infatuation, love is a piece of shit let me give you the definition of love:
L- lies, its one big fucking lie!
O-offense, it's a major crime
V- violence, it only resorts in someone getting killed, mentally or physically DOES THE NAME SUICIDE MEAN ANYTHING TO YOU!?!?
E- extreamly retarded, someone always ends up hurt, or dead.
[ x ] Do you believe in soul mates:: nope, the sould dies as the body dies.
[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight:: do not make me explain the definition of love again!
[ x ] Do you believe in Heaven:: Yes
[ x ] Do you believe in forgiveness:: sometimes
[ x ] Do you believe in God:: Yes
[ x ] Who is your worst enemy:: lots of em' hate them all, they need to drop off the face of the earth, they can't be trusted.
[ x ] If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be:: wolf, and horse
[ x ] What is the latest you've ever stayed up:: 12 am- 3am the next day
[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks:: nope
[ x ] What's your favorite coin:: i think the person who made this quiz is fucking retarded
[ x ] What are some of your favorite candy: chocolate
[ x ] What's something that you wish people would understand:: ME!
[ x ] What's something you wish you could understand better:: i don't know
[ x ] What's one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow:: i don't know
[ x ] What does your name mean:: great, or something like that
[ x ] How old are you mentally (as in are you mature?):: i dunno in my 20s or something like that, with all the shit that goes through my mind, lots of depth lets say, i just don't let it out cuz it would scare the shit outta people. but then again i should.
[ x ] How long does it take you to get ready in the morning:: depends on the day
[ x ] Do you dream at night:: nope, all you see is pitch black
[ x ] Do you remember your dreams:: i don't dream fucktard!
[ x ] What time do you go to bed usually:: 3 am
[ x ] What time do you wake up normally:: 5 am
[ x ] What time do you wake on weekends:: i dunno
[ x ] Do you find waking late nice or annoying:: i wish i could
[ x ] Do you sleep with one pillow or two:: 2-3
[ x ] Do you like school:: hell fuck no!
[ x ] Why/why not:: it's a waste of my life for the things that i wanna do
[ x ] Whats ur fave subject:: i don't have one, it would be chorus if the director new what he was doing but he doesn;t therefore i hate all classes
[ x ] Most hated subject:: all
[ x ] Do you have a fave teacher:: i don't
[ x ] Are you a maths/science person or an english/drama person:: english/drama
[ x ] Do you like your parents:: no
[ x ] Do you have any siblings:: 1 brother
[ x ] If so, do you like them or get annoyed with them:: no he's a stupid 13 year old
[ x ] How old are they:: 13
[ x ] Do you feel your parents spoil you:: ummm they hate me or at least my dad does, but they definently don't spoil me, i have to buy my own clothes, except every once in a while my mom gets me clothes, but not much.
[ x ] Do you have big family get togethers ever:: no, we have no family in fl
[ x ] Ever had sex:: that's really none of your buisness, and didn't i answer your question up there saying that i was a virgin!
[ x ] Do you believe that a person shouldnt have sex before marriage:: i don't care, people can do what ever they want
[ x ] Believe in casual sex:: i don't care whatever they want, it's not my buisness to tell them not too.
[ x ] When do you plan/when did you lose your virginity:: whenever it happens it happens, so whatever
[ x ] Do you have a religion:: nope, i used to be christian
[ x ] Do you practice it:: when i had one i didn't
[ x ] If you died tomorrow what do you beleive will happen to you?:: probably rot in hell
[ x ] Does death scare you?:: sometimes
[ x ] Have you ever been drunk:: yep
[ x ] Taken drugs?:: nope
[ x ] Stolen?::a bunch of make up and candy and shit, i even jacked some stuff for a friend that was too scared, but i slipped it in her bag when she wasn't looking :: cough jessica cough:: lol!
[ x ] Tried to commit suicide?:: many times
[ x ] Lied to a boyfriend or girlfriend?:: yes. not brad in case he thinks that!
[ x ] Gotten into a fight?:: all the time
[ x ] Are you more innocent or guilty?:: depends
[ x ] Would you date a drug addict?:: went out with a former user, i don't think it matters anyways.
[ x ] Have you ever had to look after someone who was a drug addict:: nope, not really.
[ x ] Are you racist?:: No
[ x ] Are you discriminatory to anyone?:: nope
[ x ] Have you been a hypocrite in the past?:: Yes
[ x ] Do you have an open or closed mind to other peoples beliefs?:: Open
[ x ] Do you watch tons of tv?:: not really
[ x ] Do you listen to the radio often?:: nope, i listen to my sterio
[ x ] Do you read the newspaper?:: nope
[ x ] Do you read magazines?:: sometimes
[ x ] Are you a couch potato?:: nope
[ x ] Do you use the internet too much?:: yeah
[ x ] Whats your fave style of music?:: hard rock, metal, punk, hardcore punk
[ x ] Do you play an instrument?:: sing, piano, and i used to play guitar,i should take lessons
[ x ] Do you sing?:: yes, that's what i wanna do for the rest of my life, i've heard i'm a goddamn good singer too, my vocal coach says i'm extreamly talented, and that's why he did my one track demo for free, he's with a record company right now, but not the style that i like, so fuck that company!
Have you ever set any body part on fire for amusement:: nope
Wanted to hook up with a friend:: Yeah, and i have
Cried during a movie:: nope
Ever thought an animated character was hot?:: nope
Ever at anytime owned a boy band tape:: sadly yes but in the 90's
Planned your week based on the TV Guide:: Never
Prank called someone:: yea all the time, and at 3 in the morning too, hehe, yesterday i prank called some dude, said my name was lauren he thought something was wrong, so he was all "lauren whats wrong" so i was like "my husband left me, he just got up and ran away during the night" the dude was like it's gonna be ok what's his number...i gave him a random number then he was like "ok it's gonna be ok" and then i was like "thank you so much" then i hung up...WHAT AFUCKING IDIOT, IF I DON'T KNOW WHERE HE IS HOW COULD I GIVE HIM A NUMBER! lol he called too!
Been on stage:: Yes, many times and i'm gonna be on stage again,i think in april of may :)
Day/Night:: Night
Summer or Winter:: winter
Online Smiley:: don't care
Lace or satin:: satin
Cartoon Character:: don't give a fuck
Who do you go to for advice: no one
who do you cry with:: me myself and i
What's the best thing you find about the opposite sex?: dunno don't care
Who makes you happy?: singing
Fave CD?: too many to name
Dream car?: red jeep
Have you ever won any special awards?: i don't know
What do you want to be when you grow up?: heavy metal front woman, or hair stylist
Fave band?:: too many to name
Favorite Food?: all types
Favorite movies?: too many to name
Fave guys cologne?: i dunno
If you could change your name, what would it be?: evelyn, cierra, amber, or faith
What is the stupidest thing you have ever done?: too many to name
Do you like scary or happy movies better?: Horror, i hate happy endings, to clique
Do you consider cheerleading a sport?: nope, sorry ash <3333
Favorite Song(s):: too many to name
Day of the week:: what kind of a question is that!!??
Music video:: i don't know
Who do u go to talk about guys/girls?:: jessica?
Who knows the most about you right now?:: julia
What crimes are you guilty of?: many
favorite word:: FUCK YOU! :)
song that describes you:: too many to name
least fave food:: black beans, sorry brad! and many others
fave take out:: dunno
fave thing to wear:: black stuff
fave pair of shoes:: my hi-tops and vans
fave tv channel: i dunno
fave thing to do on a weekend:: idunno
fave thing to do during the week:: i dunno
where do you want to live when you are older:: canada or oregon
do you want to get married:: not at the moment
would you rather be rich and unhappy or poor and happy:: poor and happy, what's money if your unhappy, A LOAD OF SHIT! :)
Do people actually call you any of your so-called nicknames?: i don't really have nicknames
Do you ever invite friends over when the parents aren't home?: all the time!
Have you ever been hit on by someone of your same sex?: yes
What's the farthest you've ever gone in a movie theater?: none of your b.i. buisness
Do you ever change your voice to sound sexier on the phone?: no if you don't like me for who i am, GO FUCK YOURSELF!
What does your answering machine say:: i dunno, i don't remember, and ireally dont' give a fuck
Have you ever called the operator and tried to have a conversation?: lol, no, but i should
Have you ever given out a fake #?: all the time
Have you ever caught one of your parents eavesdropping?: all the time
have you ever had a serious-on-line romance relationship?: nope
What's your favorite font & why?: i dont' know and i don't care
Who's on your ignore list?:i dunno
What's in your profile?: that i <3 ashley dipoala forever!
Have you ever met someone that you first met on-line?: yes, through a friend though
What time are you ending this?:]:7:22 pm.
peace out bitches and hoes!