Oct 18, 2005 23:58
I've had such a crappy day.
I lost my lab sheet for chemistry and so I can't do my prelab.
I freaking never lose papers.
People talk a lot of shit.
And sometimes, I know I deserve what I get.
But, other times I don't fucking understand it.
Fuck them, I guess.
I'm sick of everyone's bullshit.
Two and half more years and I can get out of Grimsley.
I seriously thought this year would be alright, even good maybe.
It's not.
It fucking sucks.
And I can't even look forward to lunch.
That's like, almost the worst part of my day.
Tonight, we put together my sister's yearbook ad.
I had to write something nice, but I can't decide if I meant what I said.
Who knows.
But there are some really cute pictures of me on it.
Back when I was little.
And cute.
I really have nothing to say.
Other than to express how bad of a mood I am in.
People fucking suck.
Too many bitchez.
And certainly too many hoez.