
May 11, 2009 15:34

i am so excited for sterling, SO excited. but i haven't been to a festival since folkfest last year, & i haven't really been out & done anything else like this in a year. i'm actually getting anxiety about this, & nervous too. i don't get it. i just don't understand. what am i afraid of there?
i also really really REALLY don't want to go to work today. i have to work the next three days, then thursday & friday off.. then saturday. & THEN, it's stage week! =D
i talked to issy yesterday & she sent me a pic of the hoop that she made me, it's wonderful! i absolutley love it. my mom also told me that karen said issy left one of her hoops here & that i could borrow it, so i texted karen & she said she'll bring it next time she comes over. =) issy said that it was a little heavier than normal, but it can't be that bad... haha so if i haven't gotten the hoop that iss made for me by stage time, (which i prolly wont.) i'll have hers & it will be just as wonderful. =)
i miss that girl bunches, her tummy is getting so big! she's only 4 months... everyone is afraid she's going to have an abnormally large baby, seeing as her hubby was a big baby & so was she! haha, poor girl...
last night with breanne turned out to be so great! we decided to go out to the bluffs at like 11 pm. we got SLIGHTLY lost getting there because i ALWAYS do. but we got there & we walked all the way down the trail, both of us quite skiddish, & creeped out, it was real cold & windy & quite freaky! but when we got to the water, it was incredible. the waves were going wild, the wind was blowing so hard, the sky was partly cloudy & there was this lonnnggg thin line of cloud going across the sky just above the water. there were patches of stars out & the moon was so bright & it just felt so incredible to be there. it's moments like that that make me thankfull to be alive, to be able to witness things like that, to be able to say that, this is my world, this is my natural earth & i love & appretiate it & everything it does for me everyday. it has a mind of it's own, a personality & strength beyond our comprehension. bre & i had a small heart to heart down there & then finally turned back because it was so intense. we sat back in her car & listened to sigur ros again & smoked & relaxed. twas a good evening. after we started our walk down there though, we wished that mike had come because we were so freaked out. hahah we felt like such silly helpless girls. breanne kinda freaks way too easily though. the whole time, i was pretty freaked out, but i knew we were ok & i knew it was going to be worth it, so i just kept talking positively & encouraging her & telling her it was fine. one of us has to be strong if the other can't be, you know? i love you breanne.
but anywaysssss, i gotta start getting ready for work. BLAH. i'm in such a blah mood today, just kinda... ya know, blah.
i wanna post some pictures on here as soon as i can get them off my phone. my sister has the thing to do it with so i gotta see if she's got it with her today, if not, tomorrow!
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