Feb 24, 2005 23:05
I seem to be getting sicker and sicker. My views on this sickness are starting to change. Im starting to think pestimistic about my whole life. Im starting to think less of myself. My confidence is gone. Im starting to lose hair due to this sickness. Im losing weight again. Im losing everything. The doctor wants me to quit my job. I dont want to have to do that. Im tired of feeling sorry for myself. I dont want others to feel sorry for me. I just wish i could move to my own island and just be alone with my thoughts and feelings.
So i went to the doctor yesterday and i got sick while i was there and thru up. So the doctor gave me a phenogren shot and knocked me out for the rest of the night. And i was supposed to go into work. The doctor doesnt want me to go back to work for a week. He actually think i shouldnt go back to work at all for awhile until we get this disease under control. The doctor said my bloodwork seems to be improving, but hes not sure if im on the right medication, and he assured me that once we figure it out that i will be feeling much better, but it will be a slow process along the way. He cant just take me off my meds because they are so powerful, that he just has to cut them down little by little, and move me slowly to something else. It might even come to getting an injection every month. I read that less than 20,000 people in the U.S. have this dermatomyositis disease, so it is very rare and can be very dangerous going untreated. I need to stop reading.