Cause I can lead a nation with a microphone.

Jun 27, 2008 12:37

So I feel like I've come a long way from my once very closed minded musical taste. Just based on my playlist on my myspace (which I live off of and you should ALL listen to because there are most likely some bands on there you've never heard of and want to...) you can see my wide range. I have techno-y pop rock, metal, emo, rock, goth, alternative, hip-hop, nerdcore rap and pop. Holy god. This coming from the girl who wanted to slit her wrists when rap was even AROUND her. I'm very tolerant and open minded now. I look more towards the quality of the song, the lyrical content... or dancibility... Because lets face it, a song stating "lick it like a lolipop" would NOT be in my favorite collection of music if it did not have a catchy beat.

I'm more willing to admit to my guilty pleasures... aka Justin Timberlake *sigh*, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. Most of you already know my love for her though... Gorgeous... mm. I like Justin Timberlake mostly for dancibiliy... well really... all of them are for that reason. How can you NOT dance like a slut to a Britney Spears song? Seriously. Christina actually does have some seriously great lyrical content to her songs. I'd like to believe that she actually does take part in writing at least SOME of them.

Which brings me to this... the corruption of the musical industry. How can you even begin to call yourself an artist if you DON'T write your own songs? I'm telling you right now, I'd rather never be famous than sing someone elses shitty songs. I get angry enough when my band tries to write my lyrics. It's my ONE job, let me have that. You look at people like Kelly Clarkson who is constantly battling her label to be able write her own stuff, but then you have to think... Why did you sign the contract to begin with if you knew those were the terms? Ugh, the whole thing makes me sick.

As much as it would be SO fantastic to be famous, I really don't think I'd be able to handle it very well. I'd want to punch photographers in the face... I'd try to destroy every magazine that had a shitty picture of me in it... Which they would have a FIELD DAY with because I'm the least photogentic person ever. I'd probably fall into the group of celebrates who have eating disorders because, let's face it, I am real looking. I have curves... that's not acceptable in the disgusting LA world. And as much as I say I wouldn't get plastic surgery, if I had enough money it'd be VERY tempting. Boobs?! Those would be fantastic! Lipo!? Yes please... I think that if I were ever to be "discovered" or whatever... enter into the world of fame... I'd constantly be critizied, and my fragile self esteem would not be able to handle that. At all.

I hate vanity. I hate constantly finding flaws in myself. And you know who's fault that is (besides mine)... the fucking media. Why does everyone have to be some tan, anoerexic barbie with huge boobs? Why is being real looking, healthy, not looking like a crack-addict not considered hot? We need some realistic women in the media. It's so sick that Britney Spears was called fat. WTF!? She probably was my fucking weight AFTER she had children... That's fat? So I'm a fucking cow? Great. I get pissed when curvy celebrates succomb to the pressures and start not eating. Like Christina had curves for a little while, now she's slowly getting skinnier and skinnier. Then we have people like Keira fucking Nightly who is considered hot... Uhm, hi. Does no one else realize she's a fucking skeleton? It'd be like fucking a dead girl! Are you into that? No... I didn't think so.

In order for me to become the sterotypical definition of "hot" I would have to do the following:
1. Sit in a tanning bed 3 times a day.
2. Get hair extentions
3. Start doing coke and not eating... ever.
4. Wear ridiculous amounts of make up
5. Get a shit-ton of plastic surgery

Fuck that man. I'm waiting for the revolution... the real looking women revolution... yeahh.

I think I've ranted about the a bazillion times before but it SERIOUSLY pisses me off. I just want to be content with myself, but I can't when I have to constantly compare myself with the media definition of attractive. My self esteem is low enough dammit, I don't need this shit. Haha.

"Someday the color of my hair wont need to change,
someday all the petty shit will go away,
someday the number on the scale will be ok.
Someday I will be happy just being me."

See, my writing comes from the soul yo.

Rant over.

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