I will follow you into the dark.

Jun 13, 2008 15:44

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I will follow you into the Dark by Death Cab for Cutie.
No song has ever made me cry more than this. I am absolutely in love with this song. I have literally sat there and just BAWLED my eyes out while putting the song on repeat. If I were to kill myself (I'm not, this is just the morbid personality talking) it would be to this song.

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The Nicest Thing by Kate Nash.
The lyrics are simple, but so true. I know I've raved about this song before, but I just cannot get over it. I wish I wrote it. And I don't think I've listened to a song more times in a row than this one. Everything she says, is just exactly how I felt. I want to be someones everything, and that is exactly what she is saying in the lyrics. Gahd... It's like she looks at my livejournal!

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Crawl by The Dreaming.
Obviously thats not them, it's not even a really good cover... but none the less. I fucking love this song. Even though Christopher Hall is a douchebag, he's excellent at writing lyrics.

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The Fraglie by NIN.
This song will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart. It was the first time I realized that someone actually might like me back.

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I Remember by Stabbing Westward.
My first break up song. With out fail I will cry everytime this song comes on. Again, Christopher Hall = douchebag... but he's SOOO good at writing.

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So Far Away by Staind.
Reminds me of High School so much. And all I can think as I stare at Ali is how I was feeling when I was graduating. But really, the meaning of this song hasn't really applied until right now. I actually am pretty happy to be the person that I am today.

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Wings of a Butterfly by Him.
Gets stuck in my head almost everyday. Probably one of my favorite songs ever, it's just so effing fun.

I'm so obsessed with all these songs. I'll think of more later probably.
Music is love. Where would I be with out it? Seriously.

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