A Vague Metaphoric Rant.

May 03, 2008 17:31

Some people seem like they will just never get it. It's really sad in a way. You want to reach these people because the these problems that we fret over are quite small in the grand scheme of things. People get hurt, life isn't a waltz in the park, but if the wound isn't cleaned out effectively, then it won't heal right. Some people just seem completely incapable of apologies or just owning up to what they did. People get mad a me all the time for yelling at them when they nearly kill me with their cars. So many people seem to want to be a victim of something in society these days, and victim-hood gets rewarded. "Ow, I spilled coffee on my crotch! Give me millions of dollars, I'm a victim of coffee!" Timmy falls down the well and gets rescued two days later and he's lauded in the media because of his ordeal, when really Timmy just shouldn't have been a dumbass around a pit in the ground.

Everyone screws up, it's a fact. But, if people can't admit when the fuck up, how can they learn from their mistakes and grow as a person? Failure can turn into growth as long as you don't try to pretend it didn't happen. It can make individuals, relationships and groups stronger. Calm seas do not make skillful sailors.

So how's that for a vague and metaphor filled entry with a bit of a rant thrown in?
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