So I woke up rather stressed today as it is, just haven't been sleeping properly... but then I'm up in the kitchen and Laura starts talking about how the house is "carrying" a lot of people and having money issues. Then she looks at me and says "anything you can do to get your room up to full price would really help." And maybe I'm reading into it too much but I just get the impression that means "find a way to pay more or face the consequences." So to those that don't know the situation, they gave me a $200 discount on the price of the room since I'm on disability. But that's already $100 more than I was paying when Phaedren was here... I was already stressed about the fact that its taking so damn long to save up for a car, and now it will take twice as long with the rent increase. I basically already only have enough money to just exist and not really live... but ANOTHER $200? There is no conceivable way in hell I could come up with that short of selling drugs or something. I didn't even know that was going to be expected of me, it was one of my main concerns when leaving phaedren, because I can't really afford anything else. And this is just 9 days into my FIRST month on decreased rent. I can't even imagine how bad the pressure here is going to get... =(
well, in lighter news, my mom came up to visit for the first time since I moved in here. She came up around the first and stayed for a few days. We did some shopping for the room and hung out in Japan town and took some super cute purikura!