(no subject)

Sep 12, 2006 16:54

hey there havn't updated in a while. Well, school has been this monumental dinosaur that has been consuming my life lately. I can't wait for junior year to end. Actually I take that back, I can't wait for AP week to end. By AP week, I mean those two to three weeks in which people are stressed out of their minds in taking AP tests and other shit along those lines. I can't wait until senior year when I can finally drive to school and not worry about the bus coming late or forgetting my stop because I finally won't be riding it. I can't wait to get senioritis. I think honestly I already have senioritisas of last year, being that it is such a contagious disease. I can't wait for college, when I can finally buy my text book, although it does cost an arm and a leg, and be able to highlight and take notes in it as I please. I can't wait for frat parties, rush week, dorm parties, late nights and taco bell, everything. I can't wait for my life to begin. I'm so sick of being crammed into this tiny space called River Hill. I'm sick of the superficiality.I just wanna drive away, far away from everything, and get lost on some back road in Pennsylvania where 3 out of every 4 people is Amish.

You probably think I'm depressed right now. But I'm not, I'm seriously not. It's just I'm so bored it's driven me to this state of fraustration, this state of exasperation, where everything is becoming annoying. It annoys me that I live in this, and excuse my mean girl reference, but plastic world where everyone wears the same thing and everyone talks the same shit with the exception of a couple substiutions of the word "cool" for "bitchin". But worst of all, it bothers me because I feel like sometimes I'm the only one aware of what's happening, better yet the only one who cares and doesn't have the stereotypical teenage apathy thing going. Like I'm just standing there screaming at the top of my lungs and no one looks up. Is that what this world has become? Mindless people saying mindless things listening to mindless music and watching mindless movies and mindlessly checking their myspace five thousand times a day? God, I hate to be so intellectual all the time, but that fucking bothers me.

I just realized that I'm inadvertingly attempting to use some of Jefferson's persausion techniques and phrasing. But this isn't a persausive, it's a narrative.
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