
Jun 07, 2006 00:07

It seems natural to worship the sun. But why was it once so difficult to simply imagine it as a thing in the sky? Why must it be associated with Gods? Why do amazing things have to be borne of a supreme intellect?

Imagine walking along a path and coming across a pile of twigs that are spelling out your name. It would be nearly impossible to believe that it was simply a result of random chance? Some person must have done this, we would say (or a God). But is that the only possible truth? Too often we fail to see the limitations of our own minds - we base the impossibility of our Twigname on the fact that in our lives we have walked by thousands of twig piles without them even closely spelling out our names. But that is a limitation of ourselves, not a limitation of chance. Imagine that instead we walk by a million twig piles a day, and live for a million years, and for a million lifetimes. Is it possible then? What about if we change the million to billion and add in a billion lives on a billion worlds - see what I am getting at?

People say life proves supreme intellect - random chance could not have created this. How could life develop from a pool of nothingness? Well, I’ll tell you. Billions of bits of matter colliding billions of times over billions of years on billions of worlds. Maybe this is the billionth time the Earth has existed but the first time life here has. We can’t accept life as random agglomerations of matter because we cannot comprehend infinity.

Infinity not only allows unlikely events to happen it lets them happen an infinite number of times. In an infinite universe, it is not only possible to walk by a pile of twigs spelling your name it is possible to lead a life in which all twig piles do.
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