war and asses

Jan 24, 2006 13:47

War: a socio-technical bargain exchanging men's souls for political gain.

there is very little about females i don't find delicious but i must say the plumber's look is not really attractive on anyone. i am really kind of curious if anyone finds it attractive and if no one does why is it currently fashionable?

for anyone in Texas (maybe only Central - not sure) the HEB grocery chain is owned by H.E. Butt (hence HEB). it used to be called H.E. Butt Grocery company but they (wisely) changed the name. is there a worse name to buy food from then Butt? i thought it was a joke when i first saw it but it is no joke (just funny).

a thinker named Buridan proposed a conundrum in which an ass starves to death because it can't decide between two equally attractive piles of hay. this conundrum, called Buridan's Ass, somehow seems appropriate to life today. or maybe it is just appropriate to me...no that's not true...i am starving to death because i wait for the perfect pile of hay. that is perhaps just stupid.

actually that is a simplistic rendering of Buridan's Ass. it is more interesting than that.

reading a discussion about Buridan's Ass (BA) somebody made the point that it is stupid because all living creatures will choose to live. while BA isn't really about survival it is an interesting point. most people seem to believe that the desire to survive is something they choose but i am not so sure that it is. it is all part of the intelligent design myth. it seems unbeleivable that life as it is today is nothing more than random chance but in an infinite world impossibility happens all the time. maybe this is the quadrillionth time the Earth has existed and only the first time that we have. lets say for instance that when life began on Earth only organisms colored yellow could survive and so today everything alive is yellow. would it make any sense to say we choose to be yellow? anymore than it make sense to say we choose to survive. survival is a program we are built with - not a choice.
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