- updateing..gosh i spelled that wrong..okay im getting my hair cut today...finally..im not getting it emo cus i don't want to be like everyone else or have bangs because i dont think they would like good on ..but they look fine on jess kim and court and i havent really seen laurens but yeah and i love rachels hair evern tho its emo it looks soooo good on her..just yeah i want layers...and this summer i want my hair lonnnng and like bleach blonde. anyway me & Scott <33 settled our arguement fomr sunday and he was just like don't lie again and i said i won't and yeah i love him so much.my moms outta jail i belive..which is gay just like her. im wearing my Ramones shirt and like there's liltte metal thingys on it and there falling off..Today Jess wanted me to go second hand hero's band practice or something but i couldnt because i have to go to my sister where i am now..supost to be doing my homework but i dont wannnaa..so yeahh..i got my report card i got ..
- 3 a's
- 3 b's
- 2 c's
- 1 d
arent I great? anyway im going to go loves...<33