Dec 15, 2005 22:19
first hour: humanities
i'm in a group full of born again christians and we have to present our topic of "fads" tomorrow in front of the class. we have a stupidly funny video of these 2 crazy asian guys having an all out BRAWL (meta-physically of course) during a ping pong game. i guess swallowing goldfish was a fad way back when and this girl wanted me to do it. so i googled "tips for swallowing fish" hahah and anyway i guess some of them have tape worms so i lated that. i don't want to shit out a friggin tape worm. i heard this guy got a tape worm and his he had to shit it out: it was literally 6 feet. that's like how tall i am. 6 feet. i bet the guy clogged the toilet. crazy mutha fucka.
second hour: college algebra
i studied off and on today for a collective time of roughly 3 hours. we have 1 of our 2 finals tomorrow. the first final is 10 questions and our teacher gave us an example of every single question in order of the test. basically it's just different numbers. i think our teacher doesn't get enough sex in my opinion. but that's just eric bird spouting off. my friend said that he heard her mumble to herself "how could anyone ask such a stupid question...". public school slays me.
third hour: AP english
we had to do a 10 page research paper on a victorian author a week or two ago and we got them back today. the grade was out of 400 and i got a 399. three. ninety. nine. i was about to say 399 in norwegian but i didn't want to embarass myself.
anyway, my mom treated me to lunch and she dropped her cup and old men always check her out and it's so gross.
and i'd just like to say that girls are soooo hot. you guys seriously have no idea. like how is that even possible. i mean the hot girl to hot guy ratio is probably like 5:1. i would enjoy hearing your thoughts.