you are either a record nerd or not a scenester at
all. you are the coolest of the bunch. bravo,
daaarn tootin!
i saw this band called DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE last night. it was good. we got there late and basically missed the stars show. they played 2 songs and were done. so i went to take a quick piss. it was hella hot in there. we waited and waited. they came out and everyone was like 'yahh woooo yahh gooo yahh oowoowooo'. the first song they played was marching bands of manhattan. but they did like a quick pause between the outro and the pre outro. kind of oh i don't know took me off guard? i tried to take a picture with my mom's cell phone since i'm the only person on earth without a cell phone. but it didn't come out.
omfg is so hot in this house. my parents refuse to turn the AC on.
i'm talking to that girl right now and it's all like. swings. lows and highs if you will. she knows the strokes. i didn't think she would. like she knows a 1251 lyric. i keep on making these gay comments and she's just like 'ha'. i need to stop.
ahh i should probably talk about the show but i'm not really in the mood for updating.
goddamnit. akward silences! ahhh i'm melting. fucking girls i swear. what are they good for? everything.