dO yOU lOVE mE? <3

May 25, 2004 10:49

First best friend: LACEY! fo shizzle

First car: chevy cavalier convertible... blah
First real kiss: 8th grade.. michael
First break-up: idk
First screen name: notn2nite
First funeral: um, great g-pa
First pets: sneaker & copper
First piercing: ears when i was in kindergarden
First credit card: 8th grade
First love: mike? bah =P..well i thought it was
First musicians you remember hearing in your house: ???

Last cigarette: never..smoking is whack
Last car ride: comin back w/jen from randys
Last kiss: b-don : |
Last cry:last day of school

last library book checked out: ? dunno
Last movie seen: breakin all the rules sat. nite
Last phone call: Zach
Lasttime showered: last night
Last cd played: Twista
Last item bought: ? idk
Last annoyance: this
Last disappointment: last night
Last time wanting to die: never..
Last shirt worn: pink shirt
Last website visited: this one
Last word you said:bye
Last song you sang: broken-seether
What is in your cd player? cd's?..
What color socks are you wearing?: none..filp flops <3
What Color underwear are you wearing?: haha.. none right now lol... commando <3

What's under your bed?: shoe boxes filled with random memory stuff..
What time did you wake up today?: 8 53

Current mood: meh...
Current taste: coke
Current hair: down
Current clothes: black pants pink shirt
Current annoyance(s): this
Current desktop picture: the one that comes with the computer
Current book(s): picture me dead
Current color of toenails: coral=summer! <3
Current time-wasting wish: i dunno
Current hate: uh, gail

One or the Other:
1. Black or white? black and white.
2. Boxers or briefs? dont matter
3. Coke or Pepsi? pepsi
4. Salt or pepper? salt
5. Sweet or sour? sweet
6. Vanilla or chocolate? both
7. Short or long? long
8. Cheap or expensive? cheap <3
9. Firm or soft? ..uhh soft?
10. Hot or cold? cold

My favorite...
1. Color is: pink and teal

2. Song is: broken seether
3. Scent is: uh..?
4.Alcoholic beverage is: smirnoff
5. Food is: dressin

things you did so far today

-been lazy
-went2randys work

5 things you can hear right now
- saved by the bell
- music
- door shutting

5 things you do when your bored
- talk
- eat
- listen to music
- sit outside

5 people that never fail to cheer you up

5 things you can't live without

5 things you love
-my family
-la resistance

its over!

3 days till i go home!!!!!! : )    : (
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