Oct 14, 2008 19:02
So, I haven't been online in a few weeks. Here, for everyone's viewing pleasure, I'll enumerate the reasons why.
1. Today is the first day that I've had off in 15 days. Every other scheduled day off I was called in for at least a few hours.
2. Relative disappointment in the things that I usually get online for. The cam in Austin is dismal at best. The roleplay needs to be prodded from them, and leaves me disappointed after nearly every game. Beyond this, I felt ignored by the people that I did get online to roleplay with. The interaction that I expect for my current vampire character just wasn't happening. Some conversations that have taken place recently have assured me remedy to at least one of these problems.
3. WoW (Yes I WoW) - I am not nearly as excited by the new mod as everyone else is. Wotlk (wrath of the lich king). I LIKE burning Crusade.. and the RP that I built my main around would need to shift with the new mod. So, this is what happens when a larper plays an MMO. It's disruptive to the RP I've built and while the crunchy bits are cool. (new priest talents.. etc.) I feel a bit put off by the whole thing.
4. I have been trying desperately to surround myself with friendships that are healthy for me. Real life interactions are exceptionally important for me, and I also got a kitten (So adorable and fiesty!). Being at home with my books, reading, and preparing for school.
So for those of you who felt ignored for two weeks - you were.. but with only the best intentions.
November 3rd to 10th - I will be largely unavailable! Paid vacation!
Happy Happy.