My mardi has been very very very gras. Thus now I also have a tummi gras.
Very very full. Oof.
Naturally I will be fasting throughout Lent so all the gras will melt away in no time! Well, maybe not, but I'm going to give up meat, and am interested to see if that will have any discernable impact on my waistline. I'm sure it'll do my soul no end of good, at any rate. Or if not that, either, then surely at least my conscience.
Then I can celebrate at Easter with sacrificial roast lamb, rabbit pie, and chicken nuggets! Cover a brood of 'em in breadcrumbs, and I reckon those fluffy little yellow numbers would be just the job...1
Time to sully the conscience with guilt f'shure, by evicting Branwell from my bed. Usually both cats have free range of the flat while I'm asleep, including the bed, but Bran's pawed me awake at silly o'clock wanting food/letting out/attention for too many days in a row now, so I'm going to banish him from the bedroom for a few nights and see if it'll break him of the habit. When it only happens every once in a while, I don't mind so much being biffed in the face by a cat at the crack of dawn (or earlier), but given that it's happening every morning, and with unsheathed claws at that, I'm going to have to start withdrawing privileges. I don't think BBC3 has commissioned a first series of
Cat Borstal yet, so it's down to me to try and sort this one out.
1 /trying to make a funny