Jul 04, 2006 15:44
Have just tweaked and pruned my friends list a little - nothing major, it was mostly just to remove some deleted/apparently dead journals. Also a couple of journals which are very much alive - and, indeed, are posted in so frequently and at such length that unfortunately I find myself skipping their writers' entries more often than not. I hope this won't come as too much of a surprise/disappointment to the writers in question, with whom I don't think I've ever really developed as close a bond as I have with certain other folks I've chanced upon via the wonders of the modern interpie. No offence, it just sometimes happens like that, as I'm sure you'd all agree. Due to circumstances various, I haven't had much time for internetting lately, and so I've decided to keep the ol' friends list on the trim side for practical purposes. I'm sure no-one'll miss me that much :-)
That said... In the interests of embracing the new, I've also just added a couple of people who added me to their friends lists a while back (or by whom I was 're-added' following journal undeletions - hoorah!), and I look forward to seeing how we'll get on :-)
I'm screening comments here - I'd disallow them entirely, due to my current extreme preoccupiedness/general embarrassment at having to make these sort of entries/friends list rearrangements at all, but it seemed only fair to leave an 'opening' of sorts in case anyone wanted to discuss my decisions. Or, er, summink. It may take me a while to respond to any such comments, but I'll do my best to get around to it, and would screen any ensuing comment convos to keep 'em between the commenter and myself.
I'm sure I could have said all of that in a far less long-winded fashion, but there we are. If I started trying to edit it down to anything more sensibly succinct, I'd doubtless never get around to posting it at all.
Right, shut up, Jackson. The rest of you - as you were.
awkward friends list gubbins