Mother Claims Her Own, Humanity Tears

Oct 23, 2007 21:05

"Starbucks closed about 120 of its stores in San Diego and Ventura counties, and as of Monday evening, 16 McDonald's restaurants in Southern California were closed, a spokeswoman said."

Who the fuck are you?

500,000 souls have been forced from the a world they have worked so hard to build; houses in peril, memories left behind for the flames and Starbucks is of concern to us? The tragedy of these wildfires is that 16 McDonald's have been closed. Our lives will never quite be the same having lost access to their own Golden Arches of gorged arteries and exhaltation of endemics. Diabetes for sale, would you like fries with that meal?

Who the fuck are you?

You are our own creation. I must believe we have unwittingly become designers of our own demise. The Mastermind sneers at our lives. Capitalizing on our sorrows he hands a handkerchief and proclaims to the world the hundreds of millions this will cost us all. He carefully considers how much it will cost for Starbucks to stand idle while Mother unleashes her fury.

Who the fuck are you?

If I claimed dominion over humanity I would erase its very existence from the annals of history. Rage on Witch Fire! Burn to the Ocean! Leave no trace of the evil that has poisoned your system, imbedded into your soft tender skin ailments of progress. Burn your gods and your idols! Within a evolutionary blink of time you have single handedly expedited Mother's wrath as She brings forth the next Mass Extinction post haste. Your tears are meaningless, your values empty. Burn to the Sea sweet Witch Fire!


I know as the smoke subsides and the long path of a weary humanity walks home to find ashes, I will stand next to my kin. I will fall to my knees as I have done hundreds of times. Though my tears have dried my heart still bleeds. The little girl with curly blonde hair stands staring at the ashes she called home, teddy bear in hand. She has many more years of tears and heart that is still too naive to bleed. I look into her almond colored eyes, begging for answers.

I find the voice from deep within my soul and feebly whisper to her.

"None of this matters darling. All that matters are those standing beside you now. All that lasts is locked within your heart."

She wraps her small arms around my neck and I hold her tight as tears wash the soot from both our cheeks leaving trails of gray and black.

Who the fuck are you?

You are a myth. A creation of a depraved imagination from the most dangerous of minds, The Mastermind. It is not humanity reporting Starbuck and McDonald closures as legitimate newsworthy pieces which affect us all. That is a product of a sick Mastermind. A product of humanity not the nature of humanity herself. Right now I pray the fires burn straight to the Ocean. I cheer for Mother's cleansing touch!

Tomorrow I will lower my head in sorrow for all that was lost by so many.

Tonight I pray the angels of humanity work safe. True representatives of human nature risk thier lives overnight and through the day fighting to save those memories; the dreams we all work for daily. Fire fighters don't ever close, just as humanity will never just die quietly.

Godspeed Angels and Guardians of Humanity! You are loved and appreciated so very much.

california fires

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