Oct 09, 2007 18:39
Alright, so in case everyone DOES NOT know, Hector and i broke up in July, at chris and ashley's wedding. Since then, i've been trying to move out but have not had the money to do so. So about two weeks ago, Adam and i start dating, the saturday after we are together, i tell hector because i didn't know how to tell him, he proceeds to punch two holes in the wall, and prevents me from leaving, grabbing my arms and such, i look him DEAD in his eyes and tell him if he ever touches me like that again, there will be some SERIOUS problems! So we are up till 3 in the morning arguing, him pretty much bitching and moaning about everything. SOO.... The tuesday following this event he comes home and tells me to get my shit and get out of the house. I proceed to bag my shit and get the FUCK out! I moved in with my friend Sara, she's always been there for me, and she's there for me in this SHITTY ass time in my life. For the past week, he has done nothing but pronounce his UNDYING love for me, to myself through text messages, and to my father, as if talking to my dad about is going to win me over, WHATEVER!! SO, needless to say, today my car would not start, i've been having problems with it for a while just haven't had the money to put into it. So i have to be at work at 1:30 pm, and it will not start. I have to resort to calling my ex, Hector, unfortunately i wish it didn't have to come down to that but it did. I HAD to be at work. SO, he picks me up, and he had TOLD ME that he would be able to pick me up at 5 pm, as i would be off work and would have no other means of transportation! About an hour or so into my shift, he sends me a text message and tells me that some "emergency" came up and he would not be able to pick me up! Shitty i think, very cowardly if you ask me. So 5 o'clock comes around, at first couldn't find anyone to get me, Adam was busy and nor does he have a car to get me with ANYWAYS! So i call my bestest buddy ZachTragedy! And he comes through for me, i'm sooo glad that he did because if he hadn't i would have been stuck at work until 7 o'clock until my favorite manager would have been able to take me home. Thank you for the offer though, i really greatly appreciate that! She's always been there for me, and she's been helping me out lately at work so she is INDEED the best supervisor i've had!! <3 Amy.....
So i had found out another little detail while i waited for my ride, but it's something that i can not disclose on the WORLD WIDE WEB! So you will just have to sit there wondering.... but despite the information i attained, i was FURIOUS with Hector. I had some very CHOICE words to share with him, and of course when i first attempted to call him when my shift ended to rip him a new asshole, his phone was unreachable! GO FUCKING FIGURE!! SO i continue to call, he ignores the second one and picks up the third, he proceeds to tell me that he needed to go to MEPS to deal with paperwork, paperwork that mind you has been waiting this long, another day would not have killed it. So instead of telling whoever called him that he had a prior engagement he needed to fulfill, he tells them he'll be RIGHT THERE! UNFUCKINGBELIEVABLE if you ask me! And then he proceeds to tell me that it's "Not his fault" WHATEVER! Be a fucking grown up! I swear at 16 i was more of an adult then he is NOW! i have better credit, i pay my bills, and i don't have mommy and daddy to help me out... So as this leads to, HE'S A DOUCHE BAG! And I DESPISE HIS LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHING ASS! I'm DONE! I want my money that he owes me, and my carebear that he hid from me when i went to get the last bit of my shit, and i have NO MORE TIES TO THAT BOY! He is FAR from a man! Whatever he's "planning" on doing for me, bet your ass he can do whatever he wants, i will NEVER be in his life again! I have some sympathy for him yes he did loose his mother, and i shed tears for him and his mother, but there's a fine line.... I just can not fathom what the FUCK was going through his head! He can kiss my motherfucking ass. And I'M FUCKING HAPPY! Happier than that boy ever made me! Adam is more of a man then Hector will EVER BE!
I needed to vent, so there it is...
On a happier note, i have a little sister, Felicia, i am no longer the only girl in my family, THANK GOD! I can now corrupt her! I mean who else am i supposed to pass on this amazing wisdom of mine... <3
Sorry if this was too long, but i needed to vent and if you took the time to read this, THANK YOU! You obviously care... at least some.. <3 Leave a comment if you wish