(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 13:50

I have a lot on my mind right now, and I think it's finally time for me to get rid of it.

I've felt really..disheartened lately. A number of things could be blamed for this. I don't think I'll list them all, but I'll share a few.

I hate the fact that I always feel as though I need someone. Whether it be a guy or a girl, I always feel as though I need someone. Ever since Laura and I got into that horrid fight, our friendship hasn't been anything like it used to be. She was my ultimate best friend. We don't have that kind of a friendship anymore, and that's fine, but I just feel like something's missing. I don't really have a best friend. As hard as I try to say that I don't need one, I still feel as though I do. With Laura, nothing mattered. The fact that she liked rap more than I did didn't matter. The fact that I like to play sports and she's just a cheerleader didn't matter. None of our differences mattered at all. We were best friends and that was that. Kelsi is one of the greatest girls I know, and she's a wonderful friend, but I can't say that our differences don't get in the way sometimes. I may be the only one who thinks so, but sometimes they really do get in the way. I just feel like I need that one best friend where we can just be best friends and not worry about whether or not I play sports or whether or not we like the same music. That stuff shouldn't matter. But it does.

Then, there's guys. The subject seems so cliche to me, but I'm a sixteen year old girl. I don't think I can escape it. Most of the time I'm perfectly content being single. But every once in a while, I fall into this horrible slump where all I do is mope because I don't have a boyfriend. I don't need a boyfriend to be happy, and I've proved that to myself over and over again. I'll be fine and then something will just set this mood off and all I'll worry about is whether or not so and so likes me. When, in all actuallity, I probably don't like him nearly as much as I make it seem.

It only seems fit that after talking about guys, I should continue on with the guy situations. I know it's been quite some time since I've dated Wade, but I'm still a little down about he and Georgia dating. I'm not mad at either one of them, by any means, and I hold absolutely no grudges. I knew the day would come when he would start dating one of my friends, and I knew I'd have to deal with it. It's just a little harder that what I had expected. But, I plan on being as mature as possible, and surely we'll be able to deal with whatever awkwardness is thrown in our direction.

I'm done for now, but I'm sure there will be more later.
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