after being a fan of theirs for almost 16 years, tonight, i FINALLY got to see them in concert.. and they replied to me last night telling me that they would try to do me proud or something like that.. they couldn't disappoint.. and they DEF kicked ass.. the show was AMAZING!!! they played alot of my favorite songs.. they were supposed to play for two hours but they only played for about an hour and forty minutes.. John Popper was still getting over the flu.. and they had another show to do tomorrow night in Greensboro.. I got to meet John for a second after the show.. shook his hand and got to tell him how amazing the show was and how much fun i had.. i really would have liked to have heard one of these songs but im not complaining at all because there was nothing to complain about.. except for these few drunk girls that pushed there way up in front of us and almost knocked us over and then tried to get in a fight with another girl.. so that girl got escorted out.. and before two drunk girls and a guy pushed us out of the way to get up front.. and as soon as they were up front they got escorted out.. bwahahaha..
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and actually i think they did play this song.. hahaha..
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