(no subject)

Jun 12, 2006 23:10

LJ Interests meme results

  1. being a dork:
    One thing I am more than amazingly good at....is being myself. It's not a crime to be a dork....and it's more fun than being normal.
  2. choir:
    I sang in the choir for 3 years...one year at a lutheran church, one year at Franklin and one year at Buena....I love to sing.
  3. dorks:
    Cutest boys in the world....and most of 'em will treat you right.
  4. flying:
    I love to feel like I'm flying.
  5. halloween:
    Any day where wearing a costume is a requirement is a great day for me.
  6. josh groban:
    His voice makes me swoon.
  7. musicians:
    I like talented people....what can I say?
  8. pride & predjudice:
    My most favorite book ever in the history of the world!
  9. spontaneity:
    I will just say random things to make life interesting....sometimes, that's what you need to get out of life's little ruts
  10. urban legends:
    I love to research the dark side of societal histories. My favorites are the horror stories....like Bloody Mary, The Hook, and other tales.

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