Pie Face

Oct 04, 2005 14:36

Well, I decided to make a quick entry before I have to go to class. I got about 45 minutes so here goes:

The past week I've been sick. BLAH. I'm just starting to get better actually. I still got a bad cough. Stupid Michigan weather... one minute i'm freezing my metaphorical balls off.. the next my sweating them off. I wish that the weather would just pick ONE constant for the fall season and life would be great!

I went to my school's library for the first time yesterday... that thing is like a MUSEUM of books. Honestly it's so overwhelming. Four floors of books... I wonder if they'd have anything non-school related. Hahahaha! Not like I'd read it anyways. I'm not a reader for some reason... unless it's something i WANT to read and it grasps my interests right away. But yea... that library is huge and I went there to work on a project with my bio lab partners. We were supposed to be working on our bio project.. well i helped a little bit LOL. I spent my time talking on AIM to Cathy, Mike, and Brett. Okay this could get long and i don't want to kill your friends' pages. So i'll put this under a cut right now...

I've talked to Brett the past two days in a row! Yay! Yea i know most of you are like, 'big deal... two days'... well it sorta is a big deal because he lives in germany and he's not online 24/7 and i usually only get to talk to him, if i'm lucky, once a week. Sometimes it's once a month. Just depending on situations. It's a complicated situation... but you know what, i don't care. It makes me happy and that's all that matters. Even my friends have noticed a change in me the past two years. Some of them tell me that they've never seen me so happy. 'You literally glow when you talk to him' is what they say. Hahaha I guess they're right =) It's funny... my friends from high school who've known about this for the past two years have teased me constantly. Now my college friends tease me too... 'Are you talking to.... Duuuuuuucky?' Hahahahaha! Anytime anyone calls me on my cell phone, IMs me, or whatever... that's what i get from them. Even when i'm talking to my mom on the phone, they make some certain remarks that will be kept unknown because they're just that embarassing LOL I'm just happy my mom didn't hear them... that would have been... awkward. But yes... back to the point. He makes me happy :) I'm Head Over Heels for this boy. *siiiiiigh* hahahaha

Well let's see... is they're anything else that's new??? *thinks thinks thinks* *is reminded of Winnie the Pooh* LOL But yes... OH!


Sooooo excited! And i just found out that my class was cancelled for the third time in a row. So now I don't have to go. Hahahaha! I swear my economics teacher like... disappeared into thin air. Oh well, i have homework i need to do anyways. I got to do this outline for my Speech class which i found out was due Monday *yikes!* Oh well, i'll just turn it in late. And this entry is way long and Brett just signed on... three days in a row :) It's going to be a good week.

M i s s y
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