This is me putting off my homework

Jun 29, 2014 13:14

On Demand only has the three most recently-aired episodes of any show, which means I have still lost half a season of Arrow, and everything on PoI and Elementary has been reruns of what I've already seen. I decided I don't really watch Major Crimes for the plot, and I haven't heard of any major cast shake-ups, so I decided whatever happened in the winter episodes didn't matter so much and started on this season.

I guess the Stroh case finally resolved, as Rusty is running around secretly visiting his mom in rehab and looking for a job and such. I suppose I can Google Major Crimes Recaps (oh, TWOP, how I miss thee) and find out. Anyway, he's still around and will probably go to a local U if he gets in and holy shit that's annoying. Graham Patrick Martin is doing yeoman's work with the part, but he can't spin shit into gold, you know? I do like his relationship with Provenza, if I must find something nice to say about the character. And thank you, writers, for hanging a lampshade not only on the character coping with his homosexuality but also on the fact that EVERYONE ELSE ALREADY KNOWS HE'S GAY. His coming out is going to be the most anti-climactic thing ever. I suppose it is realistic, in light of his rent boy past.

I had a lot of trouble with Mary Mac's delivery in the third (most recent so far) episode. Like, she was trying to do external emoting at Rusty's mom and it all came out sounding incredibly insincere. Maybe that was her way of communicating Sharon's discomfort with how incredibly awkward that whole thing was. Because it was going down hill way before the inappropriate hug.

That whole episode was all about inappropriate hugs. Boy howdy am I glad I missed the Dick Tracy guy's Closer episodes. Hopefully he's so happy to work at Nordstrom we never see him again. Stealing Rusty's letter of recommendation just proves he's crazy like a fox. An extremely slimy, annoying fox. It was a fucking stupid episode overall, and I resented that as a viewer. Not even Sharon dressed in tasteless rich heiress easily mistaken for a real estate agent drag made up for it.

Are they foreshadowing something with Sanchez going batshit on a suspect two episodes in a row? I don't remember him having such anger management problems. He's way too far into his career to be making rookie mistakes like that.

I guess Flynn's stress condition cleared up. I hope he and Sharon do end up in a relationship of some sort. I can't see them actually dating, but they're more than colleagues.

opinions i haz them, tv, major crimes

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