Feb 24, 2005 23:18
this is dedicated annonymously to someone whom i hurt unintentionally but hurt me back intentionally..
"how do you think it feels,"
he asks..
"to have your feelings toyed around with?"
through tortured eyes.
well, i think i know the answer.
you`re screaming to be heard..
but no one even listens.
you`re taunting to get noticed..
but no one even looks.
you`re crying to be hugged..
but no one even touches.
"how does it feel,"
he asks..
"to now be walking in my shoes?"
through mischievous eyes.
you`re cutting to feel alive.
you`re running to feel the pain.
you`re kissing to feel loved.
you`re loving unrequited..
and that`s what hurts the most..