A rather empty posting :(

Oct 30, 2006 23:18

Well it's half term and I have litrally nothing to write so far it's been so boring... thanks god for live journal and tv that's all I can say.
I've been on a fanfic reading mission over this weekend reading all my old faves which has been good. i've watched loads of repeats of Doctor who as well as the new Torchwood thing which I have to say is bloody brilliant.

I'm gettin in to quite alot of arguments with my mum but things are not too bad at the moment from that point of veiw.
Hmmm well I really hope my week livens up a bit it's Halloween tomorrow so that should be fun.

I spent 3 hours this evening playing Monopoly with my little bro it was a nice change at first but yeah it got boring fast and then when I quit he said he won even though I owned 3/4 of the board and about a zilliion pound and that I lost coz I quit.
My sister has a black eye where I punched her the other day :( I totally lost my temper with her which kinda sucks becasue I have this thing with always keeping my cool no matter what coz it bugs everyone else and i'm pretty good at it. It's only a slight bruise and she did kick me about a hundred time before I snapped but she's gone and told me stepdad so he'll be off if I see him anytime soon.

Yeah just been talking to my friend sarann for about half hour on msn which is good coz I haven't spoken to her sicne school ended! Hopefully i'll be able to go over to hers on Friday when all the kids are down my stepdads and she's got her mate Rebecca over from where ever she lives for the half term so it'll be great to meet her finally.

Well I'm off to bed now bye :)

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