May 23, 2007 09:09
First exams over omg what a day, my hand was aching so ba by the end!! I couldn't finsih the last paper because my hand had siezed up,I'm a bit worried about that actually.I think I did enough in psych to get a B though....well I hope so, I know I'm not going to get that A though.
I might in english XD, it went really well, much much better than I thought!!!
I got talking to my best online friend ever again last night after two months,our email inboxes wern't recieving the emails off each other and we both thought we'd forgotton each other.It was awesome and I should be going up to see in her in London soon XD XD
Life's pretty awesome at the moment and Chris gave me lots of manga for the holidays/study leave XD
I've nearly got enough money for my laptop too!! I love having a job, I won't have to share this old computer anymore *happy dance*
I want to go see pirates 3, it looks awesome!!! And I'm off for a walk now :):) by the pond by my house I do love that forest area =D