Dec 30, 2005 12:36
Do you think fish strive to breathe atop water, just as humans strive to breathe below it? I've always wondered that. But, in all seriousness, fish can't think the way humans do. Even so, I'd like to think they can. I'd like to think that humans are just self-centered enough to think we're the smartest, when, maybe, it is all the other animals that are so. Maybe they just don't have the capability to express themselves the way we, as humans do.
You think fish have cravings too? I mean, they eat worms and the regular joe things, but every once in a while I'm sure some kid throws in something grand to eat as to which that fish will really enjoy.
I wonder if they like coffee. I like coffee. Wait, they can't drink... they live underwater. Does that mean they can breathe coffee if they so wish to? Or would that kill them?
If I were a fish, I'd breathe coffee.
Even if it would kill me.