Aug 14, 2005 23:28
I fucking decided to go ack to citrus..and all you fucking people who say shit about being depressed is for losers..FUCK ont know how it feels to fucknig be depressed..or want to fucking die..or anything..I do..I dont know when im going to go back but im so fucking close to going back it aint funny..I hate the fact that people who look all happy and shit are happy at all..they are fucking worried about something..but they dont want anyone to know..I put on a fake show letting people think im happy when in reality im fucking sad,crying,wanting for someone to fucking kill me already..citrus is the best place for me to go right now..i wont haave any fucking problems..I just need to get out of this not looking for a easy way out but this is going to help me a lot..I just need to get the fuck out of florida..or be dead to this world..contemplating suicide does a lot of damage to someones just ready to fucking die..its kinda sad but stupid..and I hate everything right ill end this off on a good note..
FUCK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!someone please kill me already