Nov 03, 2005 12:25
AMAZINGLY, I finally have been able to get more and more accomplished...I have been gone for so long working on my photography, setting up shoots, planning and getting things done. Making more travel arrangements. My plans so far? In february I will be in Penssylvania, working with a new model, in january I wil lbe in chicago for about 2 weeks, working with several models, and other photographers we are going to be documenting each other urselves, and our work as team effort..which is going to be wierd because its going ot be both film, and digital work.
I feel like I am going insane, granted you already have to be a little insane to do half the things i am doing but for me it seems right, and easy, and more like my defintion of normal. I should probably sleep more than 3 hours a night, but I just can't seem to, my travels are picking up, and my work is coming out how i want it, I even did a small little touch up on my stupid myspace, account. meh, Time ot go get something to eat.