(no subject)

Nov 04, 2006 05:08

I went to Wal-mart at 3:30 in the AM to buy some grub, but mainly to pass the time. I'm bored with television.
I purchased Milk, Raisen Bran, Cheez-its,Debbie brownies, Capri Sun Alot of hotdogs, and America at it's finest. Hot Dogs already in the bun. Open the package, pop in the microwave for 35 seconds, and i'm on step closer to obesity. They're quite good, but seriously, as if it's such a pain in the ass for me to just put the hotdog in the bun myself.

There is absolutly no traffic this early in the morning. I drove back from wal-mart without touching the gas pedal. 10mph for 4 miles. It was mildly amusing.

Mmmmmmm....processed goodness
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