boredom and exhausted

Aug 01, 2005 15:54


x What is your first name?: Crystal
x What is your second name: Marie
x What is your zodiac sign?: Scorpio/Sagittarius

/L/O/O/K/ /A/T/ /M/E/

x Whats your natural hair color?: dark brown w/ highlights
x What is your current hair color?: brown
x What color are your eyes?: hazel
x # of Piercings?: 6
x Tattoos?: none at the moment
x Long or Short Hair?: long
x Straight or Curly?: curly all the way
x How tall are you?: 5'4”
x Whats your shoe size?: 8

/C/U/R/R/E/N/T/L/Y/ W/E/A/R/I/N/G

x What shirt are you wearing?: pink Hurley t-shirt
x What kind of shorts/pants/ are you wearing?: black capris
x Socks?: nope
x Underwear?: yes.
x Necklaces?: yup
x Bracelets?: nope

/T/H/I/S/ O/R/ /T/H/A/T/

x Rock or Rap: rock but I do both
x Coffee or Hot Cocoa: hot cocoa
x Baseball or Softball: baseball
x Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
x Hummer or Sports Car: sports car
x History or Science: science
x Sleep in or Early to rise: sleep in
x Beach or Boardwalk: beach
x Hoodie or Tee Shirt: both
x Night Or Day: night
x Boxers or Briefs: I’m thinking both
x High School or College: college
x White or Black: no preference
x Jeans or Capri's: both
x Love or Fun: both
x California or Florida: Florida
x Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: good charlotte
x Love at first sight or Learn to Love: …ummm… I guess it would all depend [but I think I’m leaning more towards ‘Learn to Love’
x This Or That: this and that

/H/A/V/E/ Y/O/U/ E/V/E/R/

x Kissed the opposite sex?: most definitely… ;D
x kissed the same Sex?: nope
x made out with someone?: yeah
x Hugged someone?: of course
x Been on the phone until the sun came up?: umm… I don’t think so but maybe *ponders*
X put a song in repeat?: all the time, hehe
x Gone Skinny dipping?: nope
x Mooned anyone?: nope
x Laughed so hard you pissed in your pants?: not really
x Got chased by the police? nope
x Got in trouble with the police?: nope
x Got detention?: once
x Went to Juvy?: nope
x Went streaking?: nope
x Crashed a party?: possibly
x Got wasted?: :D… what do you think
x phone sex?: nope
x cyber sex?: nope
x Slept past 4 in the afternoon?: not yet
x Dumped someone?: yeah
x Got dumped?: yeah
x Rejected someone?: yes
x Got rejected?: yes
x Skipped School?: only when it was okay by my mother… I know pathetic, but oh well… I’m over it

/T/H/E/ L/A/S/T/

x person you talked to in person?: Maureen
x person you talked to online?: can’t remember
x person you talked to on the phone? Casey
x movie you saw in the theaters?: wedding crashers… it was freaking hilarious [I recommend seeing it :D]
x thing you ate?: spaghetti and meatballs
x drank?: diet Pepsi
x cry?: when my grampy was in the hospital L
x person you kissed?: Casey
x person you told you loved ? Casey


x Do you like surveys?: when I’m bored
x What kind of shampoo do you use?: I think its suave
x Do you ever wonder what your life will be like 10 years down the road?: from time to time, but I try not to think about it as much… I like to think about whats going on now
x Are you scared of what life will be like in 10 years?: of course
x Do you get along with your parents?: kind of… more so with my stepfather
x Are you old enough to vote?: yes
x Are you happy?: yeah
x Are you sad?: sometimes
x Do you have mental breakdowns?: once in a while
x Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn’t have to go to school?: yup
x Do you have a cell phone: yup
x Are you glad this is over?: yep.
x How about now?: yippee it’s over
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