Apr 15, 2004 01:50
movie you bought = Radio ((good movie!))
song you listened to = Headphones by fall out boy
song that was stuck in your head = Yellow submarine by the beatles
cd you bought = hmm... blank ones, to burn C.Ds
cd you listened to = Madonna (at jays! lol)
person you've called = Alexis
tv show you've watched = Taxi Cab Confessions (funny show!)
person you were thinking of = <3*Him*<3 so0o hott so0o hott
you have a crush on someone = yeah... i cant get over him
you wish you could live somewhere else = well no not really, but id like to see what cali is like.
you think about suicide = i think every one does at one point, but the question is, would u ever do it?
you believe in online dating = hah no..
others find you attractive = I can only wish
you want more piercings = not much more just my belly
you like cleaning = my self, yes but not the house lol
you like roller coasters = o0o yea! i love the feeling as ur going stright down! feels like ur heart is at ur feet! :P
you write in cursive or print = Deff. print
long distance relationships = for, if i rlly like him, it could work, and then when i see him, itll be lots of fun!
using someone = against, i think its mean!
suicide = against, no matter how bad things get, itll only get better in the end.
teenage smoking = ughh, it depends on what, ciggs are stupid, iv never tryed pot.
driving drunk = against, its deff. very stupid
soap operas = for, they could be cool, but i could never keep up with them.
ever cried over a boy = no, but one time there was this maddddd hott kid in the mall and i was like woah and he was soo hott it brought tears to my eyes.
ever lied to someone = Who do u think i am gorge washington?
ever been in a fist fight = Yeah but now that i think of it, it was madd gay and u just look soo stupid.
ever been arrested = nope not yet! O:)
shampoo do you use = Ones that smeel good and are good for my hair!
shoes do you wear = I got a lot
are you scared of = lotta things i guess.. Creepy noises when im home alone!
of times I have had my heart broken = none rlly
of hearts I have broken = none...
of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends = 3
of times my name has appeared in the newspaper = like once for sum gay thing in 2nd grade
of scars on my body = ehh theres prolly one here or there
of things in my past that I regret = like 2 big things.
pretty - To me, i am, just not to you
funny - i try, but sumtimes i try to hard lol
hot - In the summer i get madd hott, so i have to take off all my cloths ;-)
friendly - i try
amusing - i try
loveable - i can be..
caring - to some
sweet - to some
dorky - o0o yes 100%
5 letter word: I cant count.. :(
actor/actress: Ashton! ((sExAy))
Cartoon: South Park is quiet the funny show!
Cereal: Kix! mMm
Chewing gum: orbit(sp?) or anything minty
Color(s): Pink
Color nail polish: idc
Day of week: Saterday
Least fave day: sunday/monday
Flower: A rose :)
Jewelry: Rings n toe rings and braclets and anklets
Special skills/talents: im not that talented :-\
Summer/Winter: summer
Trampolines or swimming pools: BoTh! i love them both
Slept in your bed: me.
Saw you cry: my madre i think...
Made you cry: My brother beating the shit outta me! (I didnt cry just kinda whined.. lol)
Yelled at you: deff. my padre
Said "I love you" and meant it: i say it to my parents
Gone out in public in your pajamas: (Jay, danny, jenna) haha good times!
Kept a secret from everyone: Yep
Cried during a movie: no, its weird i like never cry durring movies
Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block: who are they?
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: im still not sure how to read those things
Been on stage: yes! i love the stage
Been to New York: I live in New York!
Been to California: no but im goin in august! :-D
Hawaii: Nope, and i dont wanna!
Canada: y of course! i love those silly lil canadians!
Europe: no i wanna though!
Wished you were the opposite sex: No thanx
Apples or bananas: bananas
Blue or red: blue
Walmart or target: target
Spring or Fall: Spring!
What are you gonna do after you finish this: sleep?
High school or college: both
Are you bored : no im not, thats why im doing this!
Last noise you heard: the key board.
Last smell you sniffed: pixly sticks
Last time you went out of state/province: cape cod.
FRIENDSHIP/LOVE: i would like to have both. but friendship is what i would pick.
Do you believe in love at first sight: no.
Do you want children one day & if so, how many: prolly 1 or 2
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: have madd fun.
Criminal record: Nope O:-)
Do you speak any other languages: Ci, Pig Latian! ;-)
Last book you read: sum stupid science shit, i didnt even read it, just stared at the pictures.
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom: My bed and my Radio!
Thing you dislike about yourself the most: I talk wayyyyy to much
Worst feeling in the world: jealousy!!
Who are you in love with: *.*.*.*.*.*.*
Who do you miss: no one...
Nickname(s): Meg
Initials: MrJ
How old do you look: 14.
How old do you act: like five. lol, although i can be serious...
Glasses/Contacts: contacts
Braces: yep... 2 more years
Do you have any pets: too many
You get embarrassed: a lot!
What makes you happy: My friends
What upsets you: dumb ass people
I Love to - cheerlead
I Miss - mi madre
I Wish - <3*He*<3 liked me
I Hope - i get better fucking grades
I'm Annoyed by - stupid ass people...
I Am - boared
I Want to Be - with jay n manda *running around the block* lol
I Would Never - fuck a donkey, im sorry i think thats just wronge
I'd Rather - fuck a monkey, there kooler! ;-)
I Am Tired of - this survey
haha, that was looong and boaring, tell me what u think!