Jan 01, 2007 13:41
What blows is that I can be perfectly content, hell even more than content, and then it all just goes away and I'm ready to cry. It all just went away. I came home this morning and thought the house had been broken into, but no it was just what happened last night when I was away. I'm very much sick of this house and of this family, where I get screamed at for not bringing change home but my brother the fucking piece of shit who is ripping my family apart sleeps peacefully and gets no scolding, not even a fucking ounce of trouble. I'm ready to get out of here. Last night we rented another hotel, got a gallon of daiquiris, watched the ball drop, starved, froze, and watched like two hours of Ace of Cakes. I just stuffed my face so horribly, but whatev because last night I looked hott as all get out. Forrealz. Ickk we did however see my ex and he looked terrible, like seriously I don't even know how I ever dated him, and Cody just giggled. The best part is, he walked right by me and said "Where's Dominique?".