Oct 14, 2006 04:37
Not only do I go on facebook way too much, it's detracting from my previous livejournal obsession! Ahh! Just kidding. Airband was really fun this week. Some were disappointed, but since I had few preconceived notions, I thoroughly enjoyed it (even though I was at the door when they said the first showing was full, which was annoying and made me stay up til 3 doing my paper).
I have "Mr Sandman" stuck in my head because I was singing it a moment ago.
Tonight's openhouse was fun (as was my 2nd night of Rice Pilaf), but I felt bad b/c I didn't recognize this guy who's in my physics class...but I do sit in the front of the room. I think I'm sounding really boring right now, probably because I'm tired and out of it, and my typing is loud and probably disturbing my darling roomie.
Tomorrow's the h/c game (which will be cold but fun) and Amanda and I are hopefully visiting Swallow at some point. Yay openhouses! And the orchestra is playing in the h/c church service sunday! We're doing Mendelssohn during the offering (?) but it should be really fun. Okay, time to shut up. And sleep. And stop eating candy corn in the middle of the night. And at least attempt at being more clever in my entries. And stop using sentance fragments. And not be so gramatically correct. And that's the end.
Meg <3