.hello i am (fill in the blank).

Jun 21, 2016 00:44

it seems like us humans need to constantly verify our existence, and the existence of our surroundings... all the time.
i thought of this while having the piss of my life ('til 3pm without peeing- wowzies!) and again when i washed my hands. i took a look in the mirror and whispered to my reflection:

"we can create spaceships yet we don't know who we are"

and there's a lot to add to that. for instance, if you see the world through a living being's eyes -say, a monkey- you will find that the human world has lost all meaning and concepts that we're familiar with become nothing to that monkey.

we add values to insignificant things such as a piece of paper and metal. do they ring a bell? it's a big fat dollar bill and those dimes you have jingling in your pocket. yep, we humans gave it a fancy name: capital.

yet all of this is forgotten when we perceive the world in its most simplest form. we could see beauty in a banana or beauty in "hey look at that funny lookin' tree i think i should climb it".

a monkey doesn't need to know it's a monkey- he already knows.

but humans need verification. we need to know if we're good or bad at something. we require someone to point out characteristics of ourselves to construct us as a whole; as a person.

this is totally understandable since our brains are more complex than a monkey's. we don't function the same way. we think. we stop to analyze things a bit too much without noticing, whereas there's also people who don't think for themselves at all.

isn't it sad? not stopping for a second to think who you are and where you're going?

i've spent these short years thinking a lot for someone my age, and i can't put these pieces together but if there's one thing that i'm sure of, i'm sure of my existence.

"i think, therefore i am" said a hobo one time.

i don't need labels or names. tags are temporary and characteristics change- just like the people, just like the time (notice i don't refer to seasons or months, etc. because that is another example of names. we don't need to know it's winter to acknowledge it's below zero outside. we simply gave it a name).

with or without these fancy names, we must acknowledge ourselves as humans by who we are and what made us.

i respond by the name of møn, a shortage of some part of my name as long as i remember. i have lived and died eighteen winters and as long as these bones hold me together, i intend to spend a hundred winters more. i write, i scream, i cry, i draw.

i don't write autobiographies the conventional way, for i think defining yourself the way you perceive your own being is not entirely (rather than correctly) done by listing your personal preferences and adjectives you feel comfortable with, or neither by mentioning your complete name and the exact day you were born. i believe humans are defined by the things that made us us in our own unique ways, no tags or names included.

so tell me, do you now know who you are?

concern, blahblahblah, autoconversation, 2016, june, thoughts

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