(no subject)

Feb 05, 2005 19:57

?I N F O R M A T I O N ?
Name: Jess, Jizzle, Jessica, She-man (thank you tony)
Single or taken: Single
Sex: signs point to female
Birthday: 12\17\1985
Sign: sagittarius
Siblings: one sister
Hair color: red wine color and black
Eye color: hazel-green
Height: 5'8"

? R E L A T I O N S H I P S ?
Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: open
Who are your best friends?: jennifer, kelley, britta and alijha
You have a girlfriend: nope
How many exes do you have?: 5/6
What is your longest relationship?: 4 months
What was your shortest relationship: a week

? F A S H I O N | S T U F F ?
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes: no particular place
Favorite designer?: chanel
What is your sexiest outfit?: haha I dress comfortably thanks
What is your most comfortable outfit?: everything
What do you usually wear?: jeans and t-shirt

? S P E C I F I C S ?
Do you do drugs?: used too
What kind of hairsoap do you use?: garnier fructis
What are you most scared of?: being alone forever.
What are you listening to right now: national lampoons animal house on tv
Who is the last person that called you: britta
Where do you want to get married?: if I ever get married, i'm not sure but somewhere beautiful.
How many buddies are online right now?: 26
What would you change about yourself?: some physical attributes

? F A V O R I T E S ?
Color: purple
Food: spaghetti
Girl name: Trinity
Boy name: matt/chris
Subject in school: english, art
Animal: i love all animal but i like puppies most

? H A V E | Y O U | E V E R ?
Given anyone a bath?: not that i can recall
Smoked?: yeeep
Bungee jumped?: nope
Made yourself throw up?: yeah, I do that when I feel naesous and can't throw up, I hate it.
Skinny dipped?: lol yar
Ever been in love?: I think so, but how do you know?
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: lol no, If I can get in trouble, I can face it.
Pictured a crush naked?: yes?
Actually seen a crush naked?: no
Cried when someone died?: yes
Lied: yeah but not about anything serious
Fallen for your best friend?: yeeppp, who hasn't?
Been rejected?: no because I'd never put myself in the situation to be rejected.
Rejected someone have?: yeah, out of my own insecurities.
Used someone?: don't think so
Done something you regret?: of course, can't remember what though.

? C U R R E N T ?
Clothes: uh, a robe..
Music: nothing
Annoyance: that no ones online to talk to me
Smell: no sense of smell, thats right I have no sense of smell
Desktop picture: Sindel from mortal kombat trilogy
CD in player: I have two Cd players, One is jewel- pieces of you and the other is a burned Cd with dieselboy, zeromancer, wolfsheim, miss kittin andddd computorgirl

DVD in player: miss congeniality

? L A S T | P E R S O N ?
You touched: can't remember
Hugged: kitty
You yelled at: my mom to make me soup lol.
You kissed: doug

? A R E | Y O U ?
Understanding: yes, depending on if the situation is ridiculous
Open-minded: yep
Arrogant: only on a joking matter
Insecure: my insecurities have insecurities
Random: omg, you have no idea.
Smart: I like think so.
Moody: when i'm not on my meds, yeah.
Hard working: when i have something to work hard on, yes.
Organized: only when i clean, which isn't very often
Healthy: yep
Shy: yes, unless I'm drunk.
Difficult: haha, amazingly so
Attractive: people say so, don't believe it though.
Bored easily: extrememly, thats why I'm doing this survey
Obsessed: can be, but so can everyone.
Angry: used to be, moved on from that.
Sad: sometimes but thats human
Happy: I dunno
Hyper: sometimes yes
Trusting: no, i'm not, I don't give away my trust.

? W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A ?
Kiss: I'm not telling
Punch: haha, most everyone
Get really wasted with?: britta, alijha and holly, that'd be funny shit.
Get high with: getting high is stupid
Talk to offline: on the phone or in person? britta and alijha since I've already met holly
Sex it up with: pft, I'm not secure enough in myself to have sex.

? R A N D O M ?
In the morning I: lay in bed like a zombie after the bill collectors have awoken me.
Love is: hard to find
I dream about: a life so unlike my own
Sexual preference: eh, either or.
What do you notice first in the guy/girl you're into: their eyes

? W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ?
Coke or Pepsi: pepsi
Flowers or candy: both :D
Tall or short: guys, tall girl, my height or smaller.
? W H O ?
Makes you laugh the most: britta
Makes you smile: alijha
Gives you that warm feeling: thats my secret.

? D O | Y O U | E V E R ?
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that special someone to IM you?: not the special someone, just anyone to save me from my boredom.
Save conversations: Deadaim saves them all
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex?: sometimes
Wish you were younger: yep, I want to be a kid again do things right
Cried because someone said something to you?: hasn't everyone?

? N U M B E R ?
Of times I have had my heart broken: Once.
Of hearts I have broken: none I don't think
Of guys I've kissed: 2
Of girls I've kissed: 2
Of CD's I own: probably around 10
Of scars on my body: couple
Of things that I regret: 2 or 3

? Y O U R | T H O U G H T S ?
I know: that life won't be what you expect it too.
I think: the world is a fucked up beautiful place.
I want: someone to be with that's not a jackass loser who just wants in my pants
I have: only the jackasses that want in my pants
I wish: I could switch brains with people
I hate: my state of mind
I hear: scandals in the world every day
I search: for the right person
I wonder: if I'll ever be like the wives on tv, with a family and a husband
I love: nature
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