blah :-(

Apr 21, 2006 22:34

so today, i was on time to school, an shcool went good.
then after school i came home an i was fine for a while, i made a funny video.then out of nowhere i get a message from mark that really pissed me off/upset me.and i freaked out..i woudlnt tell lester what was wrong at first cause i didnt want him to get i did something thati havent done since before i got my stars done i shoudlnt have :-( but eventually i told lester an i ganna marry this kid, hes so understanding an he always makes me feel better. but after all that i went to it was lame at first cause i was so pissed but eh, then i got a few visitors, like nick, he hung out with me on my that was fun, i was trying to convince him i could kick his ass lol..but i know damn well i cant. but over all i had fun working with pete an mom picked me up from work cause my bike tires are 1/2 flat an she took me to mc donalds. i got a 2 cheeseburger meal an some cookies lol. yum.
an im talking to my baby right now, i might be staying the night there tonight hehe.
so im ganna go now.
love yall.
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