(no subject)

Oct 13, 2005 21:16

Sunday we had practice. It was good. Monday was nothing. I dont remember. Tuesday was nothing I think too. Yesterday was PSATs. They sucked. Had a BAM meeting after school and then I went home and took a nap and then went to practice. We went early so we could go in the weight room. That was fun. Practice was alright. Jen had no idea where the hell she was going since she missed the last fricken 4 practices. She kept running into me and I wanted to push her. Today sucked complete assss. English we watched kinda an okay movie. Computers I was tired and bored and it sucked. Alex started to make me mad...whatever. History I wanted to punch someone. I hate that class so effing much, I should have switched out when I could. It's only a month in and I already cant stand it. Some days are alright. Like when we take notes. But I hate when we have to work with people..cuz if we dont work with people then we get a bad class participation grade. I already have a F for that. Good thing my lowest grade for anything else was a 92. The only thing that's stopping me from totally not caring is cheerleading. Anyway, I was in a bad mood all through lunch cuza history and then afterwards. Intro I went there in a bad mood but it got better. Had to stay after cuz Amanda had an officer's meeting. So we just staying in Mrs Mason's room with them. I saw Gustave (Shane). I was so happy. I talked to him while he was getting a broom or mop or whatever from the janitor's closet for his community service. Fool. Lol but yeah I talked to him for a few minutes...oh man I miss him. I used to see him everyday and now I see him never. It's sad. He's awesome and I miss him. So yeah. Came home, walk with Carly, homework. I still have to finish my homework. I have to memorize my vocab words and then study for a history test tomorrow. So glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm so sick of school. Of course I say that every week cuz by Tuesday I wanna kill myself..ugh. Okay. Stop.
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