May 11, 2005 19:59
night come quick I need to sleep
rest this grief
closed eyes can't weep
fault and guilt take me down
drown me in a pool of my own blood
my skin cries cold tears, salt and ice burn my flesh
still not a worthy sentence has been inflicted
though my doings have merited
terrible things
and every wrong I've suffered
I deserved and more
why should I live to cause more pain
to ruin and rape the minds of those above me
push me down into the shadows
overcasts of hated darkness
let the sorrow strike me down and hold me captive
till justice has been done
let the devil take me down
let the devil take me down
starve me strip me scrape me
beat me use me abuse me
just don't excuse what i've done
thrash me bash me hurt me
hit me scar me I've earned it all
declare me unfit for living
and kill me, but only out of pity
dying is too easy for a criminal like me
shed my weight from this war torn world
release him from my torment
torture me scortch me screw me over one more time
hate me mock me
let the devil take me down
let the devil take me down
I'm depriving you of air
that I shouldn't be breathing
with every inhale,
I'm stealing your oxygen
suffocate me choke me break me
shoot me through the heart with an arrow
but make it fly slowly
so i can feel it piercing through my skin every inch of the way
don't let me live another day
push me away from you
let the devil take me down
let the devil take me down
but even the devil couldn't befriend
such a retched vile cur like me
blind me deafen me render me tasteless
but let me feel the depths of hell
the guilt of what i've done
and let it tear me apart
from the inside out
and i will bleed from every orifice
until my heart bursts from the immense pressure
of simply being myself
god i hate being me
but yet i so deserve it