(no subject)

Apr 03, 2007 22:11

The other day i ran into a man on the street, he had an amputated arm, he was handing out flyers to people as they passed him by carelessly. I took the folded paper from him as he handed it to me and said "un poème mademoiselle?"..who could pass up a poem from a one armed man i thought..so i took it and went on my way..as i walked through swirms of ants on their way to work, i read the lines slowly, somehow the whole thing rang somewhat ironic to me.

Anyways...i thought i would post it:

Ta Main

Pendant que tu dormais, tête sur le côté,
Ta main comme un sourire semblait m'inviter,
Curieusement tournée la paume vers le haut
Et les doigts recourbés. Un geste qui dit: "HO!
Toi là-bas, viens ici." Ta main sur mon sommeil,
Qui m'appelle et me dit tout au creux de l'oreille:
"Je t'aime, moi aussi, à ma façon, la nuit,
Quand je rêve de toi. Et toi? Dors-Tu? Moi, oui."

And signed at the bottom, Robert

...and at the bottom of page reads:Imprimé sur du papier recyclé

I think that's probably the most beautiful thing i've read in a while...who knows if the old scruffy one armed man really wrote it..i dont know..but i hope he did.
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