Nov 25, 2006 23:05
Across the street from a corporate pseudo spiritual spa is a safe small space I like to visit before I enter my fast relax Mcdonald spa i.e. Espace Nomad. I realize most of the time I write in here i'm always mentioning work, but hey, it's been taking up 1/3 of my life lately, the other thirds are school and well...commuting. But anyways back to Nomad, i went to see Julie this morning, one of my bosses, she gave me a big hug and thanked me for staying late last night, only cool bosses give hugs. I talked to her and her boyfriend for a bit, borrowed some non-instrumental non-kill yourself from boredom massage cds and then crossed the street to enter a small claustrophobic room for the last time in a long time. I like Tonic only cause i get free hair cuts and 50% off products but otherwize I would just take a big dump on their half assed ayurvedic bullshit mentality. After having lunch with Nikka, I checked my messages and Julie (from accross the street) calls me saying she has a gig on monday, when I say gig i mean, massaging people who actually have a gig, she asked me if I wanted to go chill/massage 30 secondes to Mars on Monday, now i'm not really a fan of their music but but but JARED LETO holy crap ....I was so giddy after hearing the message. I've been in love with that guy since...since my so called life that was the highlight of my night, plus chilling with all my siblings at the same time, that happens close to never....never ever lately. JARED LETO!