Title: Lost & Found
Pairing: YunJae
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, though I really wish (all the time) that I did.
Yunho is good at losing things. He never changes.
He stands up and leaves things - his wallet, phone, and cards - behind.
One day he realises his heart is missing and he doesn’t know where he lost it, but he can’t find it now.
Jaejoong is good at finding things. He has always been.
But more than that, he’s even better at keeping things. He keeps things - and people - precious to him close by, within arm’s length, and never ever lets them out of his grasp, never lets them go.
That’s why he’s keeping Yunho’s heart under lock and key ♥
A/N: My first drabble! Exactly 100 words! And I feel quite accomplished though it took only a while! I'm really happy today! /hands flower to whoever reads it/