24/11/14-28/11/14 :)

Nov 28, 2014 02:30

A/N: Finished my first week! Kudos to me! I'm proud of myself butttttt It's really drabble length - you've been warned.

24/11/14 | Online | YunJae, Yoochun-centric | PG | WC: 138

“Oh my gosh. Yoochun what do I do? WHATDOIDO?!”

Jaejoong flails about and waves his arms a little. It reminds Yoochun of a penguin.

One that’s trying to fly, Yoochun thinks absentmindedly, as Jaejoong gestures towards the computer screen.

UknowUwanna signed in.

He really should have just known (considering penguin behavior only occurs when it pertains to Yunho). Six months of all this swooning and shrieking - there’s only so much he can take.

He can’t type as fast as Jaejoong (he swears his soulmate’s fingers are genetically modified to type at the speed of light), but he types fast enough. Jaejoong doesn’t stop him in time.

Jaetastic says:

“Shit, Yoochun!” Jaejoong cusses, but is too horrified to take his eyes off the screen and proceeds to freak out in front of the computer.

Yoochun rolls his eyes.

25/11/14 | Slow Down | YunJae | NC-17 | WC: 294

He’s slightly drunk, the both of them are. His reactions are a little slower, but the alcohol makes the experience more vivid, amplifies every sense. He feels Jaejoong’s every breath under him, the heaving of his chest against his - the sheen of sweat forming on his back, the glistening bead escaping Jaejoong’s eye that Yunho stuck his tongue out to catch.

It’s further than they’ve ever gone, the peals of laughter that followed them as they stumbled through the door - pinning each other to surfaces as they battle for dominance and grope desperately at each other - dissipating as the weight of the moment settles in and they sober up by the second.

They are drunk but they’re both sober enough to know what they’re doing. Yunho sees agreement, sees the significance of the step they are making in Jaejoong’s eyes - and knows Jaejoong sees it in his, too. He’s humbled by the understanding of what Jaejoong is giving him, even as he reaches down to grasp Jaejoong’s half-hard cock.

Yunho feels it before it happens.

Jaejoong jerks then freezes up beneath Yunho, a litany of ‘no, God, no’s that breaks Yunho’s heart. When he looks up, Jaejoong’s eyes are squeezed shut, tears streaming from the sides as he battles his demons in a nightmare that Yunho can’t see, can’t keep him from.

So Yunho holds on, as tightly as he can to Jaejoong, to the broken pieces of Jaejoong’s heart that he can only hope to hold together. He holds on through the tremors and through the tears, his own stinging his eyes and dripping to mix with Jaejoong’s - hushes Jaejoong’s apologies with whispers of it’s okay, and let’s take it slow’s.

The I love you’s linger between their lips as they fall asleep.

26/11/14 | Shining | YunJae | PG | WC: 181

Yunho walks into the room shining.

Jaejoong has to fight not to laugh because it sounds so romantic in his head, but Yunho looks entirely a different picture.

He thinks he does a good job keeping from bubbling over with laughter when he finally gets the question out.

“Miyeong happened?”

Yunho makes a face, coming over to settle himself down on the couch that Jaejoong is lying on. Jaejoong throws him a glare and doesn’t back down even when Yunho does The Pout that Jaejoong actually thinks is adorable sometimes.

“No, Yunho.” Jaejoong softens a little at Yunho’s puppy eyes, and giggles.

“You’re a little too shiny for me.”

Yunho growls a little, “And you’re enjoying this a little too much.” He comes over anyway, not sitting but bending over to give Jaejoong a proper kiss that Jaejoong gives himself over to.

Yunho scoots out of the room a little too fast after that and Jaejoong doesn’t yell until he turns to see all the glitter Yunho left behind on the couch that’s going to be a major bitch to clean.

27/11/14 | Game | YunJae | PG | WC: 173

Jaejoong gets a little giddy from the attention.

The flirty exchanges, tiny pecks that are stolen, and the sweet little gestures - they’re all too much for him to handle. He blushes when Yunho looks at him, and covers up his smile.


It’s as easy as pie, Yunho thinks. Couple of words and some chivalry, that’s all they need to fall. He’s got it all at his fingertips, a special nickname for the new conquest, and a shy reaction at the sweet nothings that will come, eventually.

But that’s all they’ll ever be, all they’ll ever amount to - nothing.


Jaejoong gets a little giddy from the attention.

He thinks he wants to puke. The silly, disgusting things he has to endure from Jung Yunho. All he has to do is fall into Yunho’s hands and giggle all dazzled and blush himself into oblivion at the slightest advance. The rest will simply put themselves in their places, he knows - because he’s played this so. many. times.

He has to cover up his smirk.

28/11/14 | [siblings] 33% | YunJae | NC-17 | WC: 181

They say one out of three people cheat in a relationship.

That’s all I think of as I sink down on Yunho’s cock.

It was okay when I stole glances at him, thought of him as I kissed Junsu, snuck into his room to lie with him while Junsu slept. But now - now there’s no turning back. Now, as I ride his cock, as I moan his name, as I lean down to kiss him, even as we both reach our climax together, I can no longer deny it.

Yunho draws me into a kiss, wiping away my tears with his thumb, thinking it’s the stars from the orgasm, before wrapping an arm around me. He whispers something in my ear before he drifts off to sleep, but I don’t hear it.

I’ve become part of that 33%.

I spend the night trying to hold my sobs in, before slipping out of Yunho’s arms. I take one last look at him before closing the door.

He’ll wake alone and cold in bed and he won’t even know why.

I’m sorry, Yunho.

length: daily drabble, verse: siblings

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