What is your name?: Lisa Jenelle
Spell your first name backwards: Asil
Date of birth: 10/21/88
Male or Female: Female
Astrological Sign: Libra
Nicknames: Lis - Shorty-and unfortumately...The Butt
Occupation: none
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
Where were you born: Eastpointe, M.I.
Where do you reside now: New Baltimore ,M.I.
Screen Names:
Brokendrmr06 (AOL) Sweetlilmunky4u (AIM) Withthisknife06 (YAHOO) Butterfly_Baby_Lisa (YAHOO)
What does your screen name stand for: UMMM the first one..idk...and the second one..idk...and the third one..good song and i was severly depressed at that point and the last one...I love butterflies..and im Lisa haha
Pets: Yes, My lil guinea pig Jackers
Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake: 16
Piercings: Just my ears, one set
Tattoos: None..YET
Shoe size: 9
Right or lefty: Both
Wearing: My pajamas.. ha ha
Hearing: The clock in the living room ticking
Feeling: Cold
Eating/drinking: Nothing
Guys/Girls/Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff...
Have you ever been in love?: Yes
How many people have you said that to(and meant it): 1..I don't say it less i mean it.
How many people have you kissed?: Ummm....like..uhh..5..lol
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: Hell no
How many people have you dated?: like...3
What do you look for in a guy?: Gotta be nice, funny and caring....being cute helps too.
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: OMG EYES!!! lol
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?: I don't have a type..
Do you have a crush right now?: Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Oh yea...now I do
Do you remember your first love?: Yea..not that I want to
Who is the first person you kissed?: This JD kid lol in like 8th grade
Do you believe in fate?: Now I do
Do you believe in soul mates?: Yes
If so do you believe you'll ever find yours?: I hope so..
Color: Green
Food: Mexican and chinese
Song: Ooooo....umm...OH I got this!! lol ..."Iris"--GooGoo Dolls
TV Show: Sponge Bob
School subject: Choir
Band/singer/artist: Too many to name em all
Radio station: 95.5, 99.5, 97.9,93.9, 104.3
Pair of shoes: Vans
Actor: Adam Sandler
Actress: Reese Witherspoon
Drink: Pepsi...or Corona..or Vodka...lol
Holiday: Christmas
Perfume/cologne: Vanilla, coconut or cucumber melon
Pizza topping: Peperoni and green pepper
Jello flavor: Lime
Card Game: bull shit/screw your neighbor
Video game: umm Kindom Hearts..lol
Website: um...Games.com..lol
Computer game: idk
Number: 16 -or- 21
Cereal: Lucky Charms
Comedian: Adam Sandler
Teacher: oooo...I don't think I have one..
Salad dressing: Ranch
Thing to do on the weekend: Hang out with my friends...do stuff..
Season: Fall
Sport to watch: Hockey...football...basketball..baseball..soccer...okay all of them lol
Person to talk to online: Dave cuz he doodles with me lol
Have You Ever..
Mooned anyone: No
Been on a diet: Yea..
Been to a foreign country: Canada
Broken a bone: Nope
Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling: No
Sworn at a teacher: Ha ha...I got detention for telling my teacher to bite me..then i told him to fuck off...haha
Got in a fight: Yea
Dated a teacher: HELL NO
Laughed so hard you peed your pants: No..Ive laughed so hard that I've cried..
Thought about killing your enemy: OoOo yea...
Gone skinny dipping: No..
Told a little white lie: Who Me??? NEVER!!
Told a secret you swore not to tell: Nope
Stolen anything: When I was like 7
Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid: Me?? never..im not dumb
Been on TV: Yea when I went to see the Easter Bunny when I was lil
Been on the radio: Umm..nope
Been in a mosh pit: No
Been to a concert: HaHa I went to see 98 degrees when i was 9
Dated one of your best friends: No
Loved someone so much it makes you cry: Yes..unfortunately he didn't the same way...so then I cried more lol
Deceived somebody close to you: No
Broken the law: Yea
Been to a rodeo: No
Been on a talk show: No
Been on a game show: No
Been on an airplane: No
Got to ride on a firetruck: Yea..I was in fire fighter training for about 7 months
Came close to dying: I choked on a cough drop once...
Cheated on a bf/gf: Never
Gave someone a piggy back ride: Yea
Terrorized a babysitter: Prolly have
Made a mud pie: No
Had a dream that you're falling off a cliff: Yea
Snuck out of the house at night: Yep..I love it lol
Been so drunk you don't remember your name: Ha Ha ...hmm I don't think Ive ever been that drunk..lol
Felt like you didn't belong: Yes
Felt like the 3rd wheel: Yea
Smoked: Yep
Done drugs: Yea
Been arrested: No
Had your tonsils removed: No
Gone to camp: No..I wish I did...I was a deprived lil kid..
Won a bet: Yea
Written a love letter: Sure have
Gone out of your way to be with the one you love: No
Written a love poem: Yea ... I have tons of them lol
Kissed in the rain: No...But OMG that would be sooo cute
Slow danced with someone you love: Umm... no
Participated in an orgy: Uhh let me think... HELL NO!!
Faked an orgasm: No
Stolen a kiss: No...but there was this time not too long ago that I wish I would have..
Asked a friend for relationship advice: Yea
Had a friend steal your crush: Yep
Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love: No..but OMG that'd be soo cute too..i love sunsets
Gotten a speeding ticket: No
Done jail time: No
Had to wear a uniform to work: No
Won a trophy: Yea
Thrown up in public: Out the car window..lol
Bowled a perfect game: Never
Failed/got held back: No
Roasted pumpkin seeds: Yes omg its the BEST
Taken ballet/karate lessons: No..yea..i dont member lol
Attempted suicide: I used to think about it..now im just too happy to lol
Cut yourself: A LONG time ago
Do you believe in aliens: Um...sure y not?
Name three things that are next to your computer: Uhh... my hair brush..my phone..and ~ME~ lol
You have any hidden talents: Umm If I do then theyre still hidden lol
Do you wish MTV would play music videos: They already do...
If you were to star in a movie, what kind of movie would it be: WHOAHO BABY!! U best believe that it's be a comedy..
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen: Too many to think about lol
What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen: Omg...hmmm...theres too many of those..
Do you drive: No
What is your dream car: OMG a yellow Mustang...yea...
Do you think your good looking: Nope
Do others think you are good looking: I guess
Would you ever sky dive: HELL FREAKIN YES!!
Do you believe in Bigfoot: umm sure y not..
How many rooms do you have in your house: Umm..6? 2 bedrooms..a bathroom..and kitchen, frontroom, and dining room...
Are you afraid of roller coasters: No
Do you own a pooltable: No
Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen: No
Do you like chocolate: Yea
How many U.S. states have you been to: Michigan....
Ever wished on a shooting star: Yea...but that damn star musta been retarded...
Best Halloween costume you ever wore: Umm..i was a ballerina one year..and then an easter bunny...then an indian...and a pumpkin ...and an angel...Idk you tell me whats the best..lol
Do you carry any weapons on you: No
Name something you can't get enough of: hmm..idk
Do you consider yourself a trendy person: No
Are you an artistic person: Not really
Are you a realistic person?: Yea
Do you un-tie your shoes every time you take them off: No if I did I'd never be able to get them re tied lol
Are you a strong person: Stong like how?? Physically Yea...Emotionally No
Are you a strong willed person: No
Who is the last person to e-mail you: Anthony
Who is the last person to IM you: No one today cuz no one loves me anymore..
Do you hate chain e-mails: They don't bother me
Are you a deep sleeper: Depends
Are you a good story teller: OMG this one time...no i dont think I am
What is your greatest accomplishment: I've gotten poetry published...and some other things ..
Do you like to burn candles or incense: Yea
Do you have your own credit card: No
Let's say you win the lotto. What do you do with all that money?: take out my friends to a big dinner..buy a sweet car..buy a house
Do you have a check book: No
Do you like your drivers license: Dont have one....I dont like my school ID if that helps...lol
Do you tan easily: No I burn