Aug 26, 2005 02:44
so basically this summer has been the best summer of my life. and it sure is gonna be hard to top this one!
lets start off with June 14.
me and kellie slept at her grandmas the night before june 14, and we woke up at 5 in the morning and went to new york city and got there around 6. we went straight to virgin megastore which is where we were supposed to meet the backstreet boys. when we got there the line was freaking unbelievably long and people camped out there for days. so obviously we were a tad late. and they only let the first 500 people get in. so we went across the street to TRL to see them there. we waited there for like 8 hours until the show started. but it was really fun believe it or not. we met alot of people that were huge fans like us and the backstreet boys were staying in the hotel across the street from there so it was fun to know they were there and then at 2 TRL started and we met the hosts and everyone loved my sign cause it really was the best sign ever made. then the backstreet boys came out and went to the window and waved to all of us!! and i later found out when i watched the tape that Howie read my sign (3 times) =] which was very exciting! then after about a half hour they were done with the show so we left and we were gonna go to the hard rock cafe for lunch but it was closed, then we were gonna go to a diner with gay men but it was too far and we were tired, so we just went to planet hollywood. there were these people next to us that met the backstreet boys that day so we were talking to them about it and then i turn my head towards the tv that had a backstreet boys video on it, and i look below it and i see howie walking up the stairs and i kinda flipped out alot but i was in shock and i didnt say anything. then i saw nick walk up them and i was like holy wow so i screamed NICK! and he turned towards me and waved and i screamed and then aj, kevin, and brian walked up the stairs and on their way they waved. then they were upstairs behind a clear glass wall so i was looking up there the whole time, but their was a curtain blocking them. however, while i was looking howie and brian opened part of the curtain and they were looking right at me and i waved to them and they waved back ..kodak moment right there. then we saw people crowding around the stairs so we ran over there and nick was on the stairs talking to someone ..then he came down and kellie asked him for a picture and he said he couldnt but he gave her a kiss so then i shook his hand and asked for a kiss and he have me one <333333333333 then i shook the rest of their hands, except A.J =[ but it was all good cause he was right next to me. =]
July 22, 2005
me and kellie went to g.a at like 9 in the morning and waited for 10 hours to get front row for aaron carter! and it worked. and we met tyler hilton too while we were online. then we got front row for aaron carter and he touched my hand, and i blew him a kiss when he was looking at me and he caught it and winked at me was adorable, i love him.
July 30, 2005
Me Jess Samant and Angelina went to see Jesse McCartney and Kelly Clarkson in concert! we had a pretty good view of Jesse! we were pretty close<3 and then with Kelly we were far away but we were still able to see her. it was awesomeee
July 31, 2005
Me and Kellie went to the backstreet boys concert! and kaci brown and click five were the opening acts! i fell in love with click five that day! i liked them before the concert but i fell in loooove there! and the backstreet boys put on an amazing show as usual!! and then after the show we met Click Five at their meet and greet =] Eric sang to me, sorta. he was signing when he signed my cd, close enough. then we told joey he had nice eyes and they sparkle and ethan was like what about my eyes? and were like their gorgeous and he was like yeah i know their sexy .. i love them =] and ben complimented me on my bsb burger king hat, but who wouldnt.
August 13, 2005
Me and Lauren went to the Backstreet Boys and Click Five concert! amazinggg!! we had 8th row<333 i acted like a retart so they all ended up pointing at me. then during quite playing games with my heart i was jumping up and down like an idiot and brian pointed at me and had this cute look on his face and he started jumping up and down like me, basically he was making fun of me..however, hes brian and he can do whatever he wants. then we met Click Five again<33 and ben complimented my hat againnn ..and i gave joe and ethan a hug. then while ethan was signing the back of my shirt, eric grabbed the sleeve and signed it and smiled, i love his smile. then i asked him for a hug and he is the best hugger ever. no lie. then joey said that he saw us from the stage, omggg<3 then we sat there and stared at them for 20 minutes. then we went outside and waited for the backstreet boys tour bus, and it pulled out and its black and blue, i knew it. then ethan walked across the street in front of us and we said bye and he said bye. then joe walked across it. then we walked with ben to his tour bus. wow. then we chased it and eric got in it and he said bye to us. and thats about it<33 amazing concert, best one ever<3
August 25, 2005
i won a contest for the click five to call me<3333333 omggg i cant wait.
so this summer was amazing. im so happy =] and i went to california too, and the catskills. wowww i loved it<3