Is It Just Me?

Mar 15, 2009 03:22

I just created a Blogger right now. I mean, what the hell? Can I be anymore spontaneous. I just saw one randomly when I typed in "blog" because I searching new myspace layouts (boredom does things to people) and I came across a blog.

I clicked it.
Saw it.
Impulse to make one.
Did it.
Designed it.
Is left with thoughts on what to do with it.
Posted on it.
Now sighing at urge to delete it.
Didn't and left and forgot to write down password.
Pouted and decided to fuck it.

Now she is too lazy to even go retrieve password from Blogger and is deciding to use LiveJournal once more since she is somewhat chipper and something tells her things will get a bit more dramatic. .

She know's she is probably bi-polar.

"Or Narssistic..." she mutters to herself.

And yes, she knows she switched from first person to third person in less than one second.

So, no, she is not switching back.

She finds this ultimately funner to work with.

... She is now questioning if "funner" is even a word. "Probably isn't... probably is... let's find out! To Google!"

She found that it is not a word.

She is saying, "all well" and moving on with her life now.

So, yes, she is a very easy-going girl, no?

And now her bottom hurts from sitting down too much "How long? 4 hours? Crap, I need a life" Her lap feels as if it will burst into flames from the laptops heated under and her eyes are drooping because she is tired after her escapade with her two, long-lost, friends Anu and Jea... who were jeering at her earlier on about getting, "kidnapped and deported" while she seethed and tried (and failed) to trip them on their walk to her own house.

Yes, she knows that is sad.

No, she doesn't care anymore.

And now, she is going to pass out on her bed and sleep it off til the afternoon.

Oh, now she is slapping her head. She has church to attend too and the escaping of evil Sciencetology men since she had been questioning a bit too much why it was so bad earlier on because of the protesters...  protesting around the blue building she calls "the wannabe white house".

Back to the topic at hand...

"Simply dandy... How could I forget that?" she asks herself sarcastically, pulling down the sheets of her bed. "Oh, yeah, because I'm a retard." she says, getting ready to hit the save button and be done with it.

Splendidly put.

third person nice

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