What's so wrong with cartoned milk?

Aug 08, 2005 11:19

I don't really have anything to be updating with. I work a l'hospitale maintnent. I'm a dietary aide. It's okay. I make good money for doing something that's mildly important (everybody has to eat).

On Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, if anyone ever finds themselves with nothing to do, I'm free until 4 for the most part. I would love something to do, so give me a call.

I had something to say, but I forget.

People are terrible. People do such needless things and act out in such violent ways for no reason at all and it really does make me sick. I don't understand how people think, or how and why they act, or can even live with themselves.

What is it about randomly jumping innocent people and beating the crap out of them that is so satisfying, and how could you not feel like crap after and help them up?

I just don't get it.
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